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Caravel Forum : Caravel Boards : The Site : Ability to delete PM's from your outbox
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icon Ability to delete PM's from your outbox (0)  
I know it's possible to delete PM's from your inbox, but it would be nice if we could delete PM's from our outboxes. I know mine's getting crowded.
09-26-2006 at 12:00 AM
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icon Re: Ability to delete PM's from your outbox (0)  
Oh weird...

Most forums I've ever used keep the outbox separate from the 'sent messages' box...

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[Last edited by Hikari at 09-26-2006 12:22 AM]
09-26-2006 at 12:21 AM
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icon Re: Ability to delete PM's from your outbox (0)  
I vote 'conditionally no'.

I'd like the ability to delete an outgoing message which hasn't yet been received (it's like an "oops! recall!" mechanism).

once I've sent a message and it's received, I'd like the receiver to control whether or not they keep it - because, thinking as the receiver, suppose I want to cache some piece of information (such as the sender's recommendations which I haven't acted on yet) - I don't want to lose my cache because the receiver decided to clean house.

09-26-2006 at 12:31 AM
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Beef Row
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icon Re: Ability to delete PM's from your outbox (0)  
silver wrote:
I vote 'conditionally no'.

once I've sent a message and it's received, I'd like the receiver to control whether or not they keep it - because, thinking as the receiver, suppose I want to cache some piece of information (such as the sender's recommendations which I haven't acted on yet) - I don't want to lose my cache because the receiver decided to clean house.

Well, are PMs stored as a single copy so that this would happen? Or is there a reciever side and sender side copy?

I would think they are independent copies, because every PM I've ever sent is still sitting right in the folder. So I say, let senders delete their copy, the same way recievers can delete their copy. There's no reason they should affect each other at all, so this objection doesn't apply.

"Now I will repeatedly apply the happy-face rule"
09-26-2006 at 06:43 PM
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icon Re: Ability to delete PM's from your outbox (+1)  
Single copy - I've definitely seen outbox messages vanish as the recipient deletes them. Some people just never clear their inboxes.

I got my avatar back! Yay!
09-26-2006 at 06:50 PM
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