I wrote this quickie perl script to check that:
use Math::BigInt qw(:constant);
my $string = "aquickbrownfoxjumpsoverthelazydog";
my @letters = split //, $string;
my $total_value = 0;
foreach my $letter ( @letters ) {
$total_value *= 26;
my $letter_value = ord($letter) - ord('a') + 1;
$total_value += $letter_value;
print "total value is $total_value\n";
but I get 3205221610162726018234037854244722406420143941 as the result.
and if I try removing the +1, I get 1227430254603498247158456925583509788478126958
so I guess that's not it (though it still might be close)
I also tried with the original string (jumped instead of jumps, but doesn't use all 26 letters), but the values were
83335761864230876474084960003328559896196947781 and
[Last edited by silver at 10-11-2006 08:49 AM]