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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Feature Requests : Collapsing Ceiling Potion
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icon Collapsing Ceiling Potion (0)  
I'm not feeling in an imaginative mood today, so the description will have to be more like a list, I'm afraid...
This request is a little similar to a request submitted before, but not entirely.

This potion will, as its name says, make a portion of the ceiling collapse. When Beethro picks it up, he can position it like a mimic potion over an area of the room, of 5*5 tiles, in which all squares in the area will be affected. When the potion is placed, magical bolts of energy fly out from Beethro and hit the affected ceiling above the tiles. The ceiling in the damaged area then collapses. The falling debris will do several things, depending on what happens to it:
If it falls into a pit, the pit fills up and becomes a trapdoor (Don't ask how it works).
If it falls onto a floor tile, then the tile becomes a crumbly wall.
If the tile also contains a trapdoor or force arrow, then it is buried underneath the rubble, and a crumbly wall forms on top of it.
If the tile contains a potion, object, mimic, tar or monster, then it is crushed and destroyed by the weight of the rocks, and becomes a crumbly wall.
Orbs, doors, existing crumbly walls and normal ones are not affected by the potion.
Finally, Beethro and his sword will also not be affected by the potion at all because he will block all of the energy bolts coming from the potion going straight up, and so can use the potion to surround himself with crumbly walls to block off attacking monsters.

A variation could involve having potions of different strengths that affect different size areas of the room.

Resident Medic/Mycologist
07-29-2003 at 04:42 PM
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icon Re: Collapsing Ceiling Potion (0)  
Hmm...I think I like it...IF

1. What about snakes? (lands on their heads? Their bodies? Their tails?)
2. No, no, no to the crumbly wall on a trapdoor. That would be hazardous, and combining two things of the same layer there. Suggestion: Make the trapdoor fall. Could make for some interesting overlapping trapdoor puzzles.
3. What do you mean by object? Scrolls?
4. For clarity purposes: If the tar would be destroyed so a baby would be formed, it would do that?
5. Again for clarity, arrows currently go above crumbly walls.
6. What of stairs and statues?

I think it should also be a bit smaller...5*5 is almost too big, too powerful. Maybe 4*4 or even 3*3. Just a suggestion though. Unless, that is, you meant the diameter be five, not the radius.

That's it, for now.

This would throw havoc into explaining tower levels though ;)

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07-29-2003 at 05:07 PM
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icon Re: Collapsing Ceiling Potion (0)  
I think he meant diameter 5...a total area of 5 x 5 squares. A radius of 5 would be way too big...the size of the invisibility potion.

The original explanation of why Beethro would be protected from the falling debris would technically only be correct if Beethro were directly in the center of the area of effect. The potion could just put a shield around Beethro until the ceiling has fallen.

Game on,

"He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder." -- Tad Williams
07-29-2003 at 05:18 PM
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icon Re: Re: Collapsing Ceiling Potion (0)  
zex20913 wrote:
Hmm...I think I like it...IF

1. What about snakes? (lands on their heads? Their bodies? Their tails?)
If the debris lands on the snake's head, it dies, while landing on any part of the body, or tail will cause all the length of the serpent from the cut to the tail to be destroyed, and a new tail re-forms one square from the damaged area.
2. No, no, no to the crumbly wall on a trapdoor. That would be hazardous, and combining two things of the same layer there. Suggestion: Make the trapdoor fall. Could make for some interesting overlapping trapdoor puzzles.
That's fine.
3. What do you mean by object? Scrolls?
Of course - it will be smashed to pieces. You could design a puzzle where the scroll needs to be gotten rid of so the serpent can go into a corridor without dying.
4. For clarity purposes: If the tar would be destroyed so a baby would be formed, it would do that?
5. Again for clarity, arrows currently go above crumbly walls.
I suppose you could do that, but I think that a force arrow suddenly emerging from a pile of rubble sounds a bit strange
6. What of stairs and statues?
I suppose statues could get destroyed, though I think for both these things, a "cannot place it here" restriction will be needed.
This would throw havoc into explaining tower levels though ;)

Resident Medic/Mycologist
07-29-2003 at 06:41 PM
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icon Re: Re: Re: Collapsing Ceiling Potion (0)  
agaricus5 wrote:
I suppose you could do that, but I think that a force arrow suddenly emerging from a pile of rubble sounds a bit strange
6. What of stairs and statues?

But aren't force arrows on a different layer from walls anyway? The force arrow would still be visible after the collapse, as you can see in the editor right now.

Game on,

"He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder." -- Tad Williams
07-29-2003 at 06:47 PM
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icon Re: Re: Re: Re: Collapsing Ceiling Potion (0)  
Oneiromancer wrote:
But aren't force arrows on a different layer from walls anyway? The force arrow would still be visible after the collapse, as you can see in the editor right now.

Game on,
Oh well... I'm a little inconsistent sometimes when it comes to "explaining something realistically" - I suppose the force arrow exerts a force on the rubble, making it rise up above it and therefore show it on top of the rubble pile.

Resident Medic/Mycologist
07-29-2003 at 07:02 PM
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Level: Legendary Smitemaster
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icon Re: Collapsing Ceiling Potion (0)  
Actually, I always envisioned the Force Arrows as only exerting a force on creatures, so it will actually exist inside the crumbling wall (or any other object that happens to share the same space. So the two are not mutually exclusive, as some puzzles in Dugan's (I think?) attest to.

Game on,

"He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder." -- Tad Williams
07-29-2003 at 07:53 PM
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