As a video game in the traditional sense, no. It's a very linear graphic adventure controlled almost entirely through menus, which means that you'll do little but explore your somewhat limited actions then move on. There are a few action sequences (that I'm told work with a lightgun if you have one), but they are easy and consist of little more than putting your crosshair in one of nine quadrants and pulling the trigger.
As an overall experience, absolutely. The plot, which takes heavy cues from Blade Runner nevertheless has a flavor all its own. It's decidedly odd, futuristic take on post-apocalyptic Japan is fascinating, the characters are all sharply drawn and well voiced and the pacing is just about perfect. Plus the Sega CD version (the only one released in English) adds a third act which brings some much needed closure to Snatcher's otherwise very dark, unsatisfying cliffhanger ending.
Also, just a quick, interesting little fact. The third act ties heavily into the original MSX2 Metal Gear series (although experience with those games is entirely optional), but fans always suspected that both Snatcher and its spiritual successor Policenauts were retconned away years ago. However, in the MGS4 database it is explained that Big Boss did indeed become the prototype Snatcher between the events of MG and MG2. Look more closely at MGS4's seemingly saccharine ending and you'll realize that it actually leads quite directly to some of the most catastrophic elements of Snatcher's story.
Director of the Department of Orderly Disruptions
[Last edited by Snacko at 01-14-2010 05:42 PM]