noman wrote:
Why is the game called drod(deadly rooms of death)?
I wanted people to understand that
1. rooms were involved, and
2. that they contained death, and finally,
3. that these rooms were indeed deadly. Given these goals, I created a long list of candidate names and carefully reviewed each. Several otherwise-excellent names were eliminated because they did not express the three crucial facts clearly and briefly. Eventually, I narrowed the list down to two: "
Deadly Rooms of Death"
and "
Rooms of Deadly Death"
. The latter choice is, of course, evocative of bittersweet autumn visits to empty fairgrounds, but I settled on the less-risky "
Deadly Rooms of Death"
. Some would say it reflects an unambitious moral sense. Certainly, we would have an entirely different game if I had used the other name.
The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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