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Caravel Forum : Caravel Boards : Contests : Death to Death! Poll (A multiple question poll)
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RankEntryAverageStandard Deviation
1Entry #5 - Doom7.33333333333332.0548046676563
2Entry #9 - michthro6.88888888888892.7666443551086
3Entry #8 - Krishh6.66666666666672.2607766610418
4Entry #1 - Banjooie6.55555555555562.8717439962934
5Entry #12 - Ostegolectrlc6.22222222222222.6988795114425
5Entry #4 - Dali6.22222222222222.8196838978777
7Entry #19 - Tuttle5.88888888888892.3778816176703
7Entry #2 - Beef Row5.88888888888892.4241582476968
9Entry #16 - techant5.77777777777782.0427529234278
10Entry #20 - tyrion5.66666666666672.2110831935703
11Entry #14 - skell5.55555555555562.1659542988464
12Entry #3 - Chaco5.33333333333332.2110831935703
13Entry #18 - Tooth and Nail5.22222222222222.5724082006201
14Entry #15 - Someone Else5.11111111111112.3778816176703
15Entry #10 - Muiff4.88888888888891.6629588385662
16Entry #7 - jbluestein4.44444444444442.2166597048067
16Entry #13 - Plichard VIII4.44444444444442.2166597048067
18Entry #17 - The spitemaster4.33333333333331.2472191289246
19Entry #6 - Jason3.77777777777783.0469576001782
20Entry #11 - NiroZ3.22222222222221.8724777273725
Entry #1 - Banjooie
Average Vote 6.5555555555556
Standard Deviation 2.8717439962934

Entry #2 - Beef Row
Average Vote 5.8888888888889
Standard Deviation 2.4241582476968

Entry #3 - Chaco
Average Vote 5.3333333333333
Standard Deviation 2.2110831935703

Entry #4 - Dali
Average Vote 6.2222222222222
Standard Deviation 2.8196838978777

Entry #5 - Doom
Average Vote 7.3333333333333
Standard Deviation 2.0548046676563

Entry #6 - Jason
Average Vote 3.7777777777778
Standard Deviation 3.0469576001782

Entry #7 - jbluestein
Average Vote 4.4444444444444
Standard Deviation 2.2166597048067

Entry #8 - Krishh
Average Vote 6.6666666666667
Standard Deviation 2.2607766610418

Entry #9 - michthro
Average Vote 6.8888888888889
Standard Deviation 2.7666443551086

Entry #10 - Muiff
Average Vote 4.8888888888889
Standard Deviation 1.6629588385662

Entry #11 - NiroZ
Average Vote 3.2222222222222
Standard Deviation 1.8724777273725

Entry #12 - Ostegolectrlc
Average Vote 6.2222222222222
Standard Deviation 2.6988795114425

Entry #13 - Plichard VIII
Average Vote 4.4444444444444
Standard Deviation 2.2166597048067

Entry #14 - skell
Average Vote 5.5555555555556
Standard Deviation 2.1659542988464

Entry #15 - Someone Else
Average Vote 5.1111111111111
Standard Deviation 2.3778816176703

Entry #16 - techant
Average Vote 5.7777777777778
Standard Deviation 2.0427529234278

Entry #17 - The spitemaster
Average Vote 4.3333333333333
Standard Deviation 1.2472191289246

Entry #18 - Tooth and Nail
Average Vote 5.2222222222222
Standard Deviation 2.5724082006201

Entry #19 - Tuttle
Average Vote 5.8888888888889
Standard Deviation 2.3778816176703

Entry #20 - tyrion
Average Vote 5.6666666666667
Standard Deviation 2.2110831935703
Total Votes 18 100%
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Beef Row
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (+1)  
coppro wrote:
Schik, I strongly suggest modifying it so that if you vote, the following things happen:

You can see the results of that poll ONLY and your other ones don't get voted. Or else just add a Undecided default option that the system ignores. First one is nicer, second one is easier.

Hurry up. This happened last time, and before that, and before that, and...

I second that... ideally allowing voting on each poll individually, so people can do this in their own time without faking polls... but doing it just ONCE with undecideds would get rid of the skewing without revealing anything it shouldn't.

"Now I will repeatedly apply the happy-face rule"
05-23-2006 at 08:14 PM
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (0)  
michthro wrote:
Krishh, don't you think you're being a little unreasonable? I put a lot of effort into my hold, and I did test it very carefully, but everyone makes mistakes. I don't think it's fair to completely ignore everything else. Take 1W in my hold: I thought it was quite a good idea. Does that really count for nothing? So I spoiled it by making a small mistake. Do you honestly feel I might as well have submitted complete garbage? How about the fact that I went to a lot of trouble to use a different non-scripted idea in every room? If I wanted to, I could also make up my own rules and rate you 1 on the grounds that you essentially use the same idea twice (the serpent/roach combination).

And whether a room can be cleared or just one monster killed is irrelevant. If an author made a mistake, it's going to be largely a matter of luck whether the result is "catastrophic" or not.

I think holds should be rated according to various criteria, with flaws being only one of them. So sure, a mistake is a mistake, but I think rating a hold 1 over a mistake is extremely harsh. Have some perspective. There's a lot more to it. Subtract a point or two, but really...

In fact, I have to say I'm disappointed at the lack of sportsmanship displayed in this contest. I don't have to explain to you why my hold doesn't deserve a 1 - you know that, but it suits you to cling to your excuse of "what the contest is all about", which is utter rot. The contest is certainly not all about playtesting.

Btw, if that's how it's going to be then the contest is between BeefRow and Doom, with you third. All other holds are flawed. It's particularly interesting that the other big anti-flaw proponent, NiroZ, submitted a hold in which at least 5 of the 9 rooms are flawed. In three of them you can even continue onto the next room after killing a monster.

Thanks, Doom. The rest of you who agree with NiroZ and Krishh: You should be ashamed of yourselves! Doom, a 17-year old, has more character and sense than the lot of you combined.

Yeah, yeah. I tried counting to ten slowly. Doesn't work.

Waitaminnit...Doom is 17? Wow. Now I'm even more impressed.

In any case, michthro, I can't speak for Krishh, but if I found a room in someone's hold that was clearly designed to prevent killing but had a bug in it that allowed it, well, I'd probably knock of some value, but I don't think that would get it to 1 automatically. It might even end up ranked higher than a flawlessly consistent hold that just wasn't very exciting.

But everyone has their own standards -- one would hope that those voting would behave in an honorable fashion, but that can't be compelled. That said, I suspect that anyone voting a majority of these holds as 1s isn't really operating in the spirit of the contest.

Out of curiosity, what percentage of non-participants vote in these contests? I guess we'll be able to tell by the count at the end of the poll, but I'm wondering if the 20 people who submitted entries will comprise the bulk of the votes, or whether there's a larger pool of people who will play them but weren't able or willing to design a hold of their own.

Josh (a little older than 17)

"Rings and knots of joy and grief, all interlaced and locking." --William Buck
05-23-2006 at 08:15 PM
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Tooth and Nail
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (0)  
Heck, Chaco is 12 I beleive, and his hold was one of my favorites. I just finished my voting. Congrats to everyone, this contest was a blast.

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GIR: I don't know!
05-23-2006 at 08:31 PM
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Beef Row
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (+1)  
michthro wrote:
Btw, if that's how it's going to be then the contest is between BeefRow and Doom, with you third. All other holds are flawed. It's particularly interesting that the other big anti-flaw proponent, NiroZ, submitted a hold in which at least 5 of the 9 rooms are flawed. In three of them you can even continue onto the next room after killing a monster.

Tempting as you make that sound....

I'd been assuming that clearable rooms were a malady in only a handful of the easier holds (which were the ones I've played through first), so I've been pretty harsh on them, but if they're that prevalent, I'll reduce the penalties.

Holds that just feel untested and clumsy and have hordes of errors, however, won't get above a 3.

But a little slip in a masterpiece won't hurt that much.

It is funny that NiroZ is one of the strict rating advocates though, considering you not only can clear his rooms, you can clear a room, KILL THE KING, leave, come back and keep going. And you can clear quite a few rooms.

"Now I will repeatedly apply the happy-face rule"
05-23-2006 at 08:36 PM
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Beef Row
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (+1)  
jbluestein wrote:
Entry 2 (Beef Row): Ouch. Hard hard hard. Stuck on the third room.

A little hint for the third room (Wraithwing Futbol)
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"Now I will repeatedly apply the happy-face rule"
05-23-2006 at 08:44 PM
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (0)  
Beef Row wrote:
I'd been assuming that clearable rooms were a malady in only a handful of the easier holds (which were the ones I've played through first), so I've been pretty harsh on them, but if they're that prevalent, I'll reduce the penalties.

Holds that just feel untested and clumsy and have hordes of errors, however, won't get above a 3.

Since I have no illusions about my architecting ability (this having been my first attempt), I don't expect very high ratings. But I am curious as to what people thought, particularly as to whether there have been any errors found in any of my rooms. If you want to give a critique, feel free to PM me if you don't feel like doing it in a public forum. Hopefully I provided something that was, well, not difficult but still conformed to the rules of the contest.


"Rings and knots of joy and grief, all interlaced and locking." --William Buck
05-23-2006 at 08:46 PM
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (+2)  
See I said that some of you guys were hard to please. :~(

I started with the last one and went up but I havn't made it too far yet. the Nuthouse by tyrion seems good to me so far, nice challeging puzzles. So is "The Race". But I am worried I will not have enough time. So to be fair I would like to see victory demos for all the holds made.

Remember - Mistakes happen when holds are not beta tested and we could not beta test for this contest so I expect some errors. I plan to not count them down too much unless it looks intentionally sloppy (or the maker of the hold is saying they are counting it against others). Last nite laying bed I think I thought of an unintentional solution to one of my rooms I missed :blush . I am not saying which one it is or if it is there cuz then you guys would junp on it and count me down. I just wanted to illistrate a point about beta testing.

I think if everyone could submit victory demos so we can see what the intended solutions were, even if a mistake or two was made it will help us see the quality of the hold.

jbluestein - hang in there. I know it is frustrating. I have felt the same in other contests. Can I see your victory demos?

I have uploaded victory demos earlier in the thread. Also I am not counting the occasional empty room - like entrances - that are there for effect or to make the program understand "you can exit now".

At least one room with no monsters was necessary for the exit to open if you used the blue door feature and you were not allowed to kill any monsters. While I have not seen inside too many holds I do not see how a room or two without monsters is against the rules. The rules said:
1. You are to make a one-floor dungeon with a minimum of 9 rooms that contain at least one killable monster in it, where Beethro can die if he makes the wrong sequence of moves.
That sounded to me like you needed at least 9 rooms with killable monsters once you met that requriement you could have other rooms just for fun.


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[Last edited by techant at 05-23-2006 10:20 PM : typo]
05-23-2006 at 10:15 PM
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (0)  
For your information, the points I will be watching for (ordered by importance):

* every room I have finished (because unfinishable holds is no good)
* every room should following the "do not kill" rule.
* difficulty (hard holds should be encouraged, this is a forum where smart holds are respected)
* fun/story based hold (because I like holds that are fun for me)
* bonus (because I like it, or I like the architect ;))

Yes, I think it's important that rooms should at least follow the "no kill" rule, but if you made a mistake, well, don't worry about it, I'm sure it will be better next time. (using the Architecture Board would also help - not during contests of course, but for your next hold you can do that...)

-- Tim

PS. And josh, there are at least 2 rooms in your hold that did not follow the rules: 1S1E and 2S2E. But, it is not bad, considering that it is your first hold.

The best way to lose customers is to let little kids running loose on a forum with too many mod points.
05-23-2006 at 10:30 PM
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (0)  
Tim wrote:
PS. And josh, there are at least 2 rooms in your hold that did not follow the rules: 1S1E and 2S2E. But, it is not bad, considering that it is your first hold.

Thanks! But really...1S1E? Is it possible to kill and escape? Because I didn't think so...

I had my worries about 2S2E -- tried to make sure it wasn't possible, but I think I picked too ambitious a format for a first try without scripting...

Anyway, thanks!

[EDIT: Ah yes...I see it now. Curses!]
[EDIT: I have posted victory demos in the appropriate topic. Not that I expect anyone to have much trouble figuring them out. :)]

"Rings and knots of joy and grief, all interlaced and locking." --William Buck

[Last edited by jbluestein at 05-24-2006 01:00 AM]
05-24-2006 at 12:44 AM
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (+6)  
Alright, you guys are hilarious.

And here's why.

Before the Contest:

"Can we break the rules? Can we? Please? Please? This one? How about this one? Huh? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"



So, what? Are we all desperate to get something out of the Prize Pile, or is this some sort of elastic guilt reaction after everybody's ridiculous attempts to avoid following the rules in the first place?

Chill out, people, it's a contest, and an experiment in how to make rooms in an interesting manner. Please don't make it a social experiment while we're at it, alright?
05-24-2006 at 01:59 AM
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (+1)  
I didn't excpect my contest to become such a scandal! Next time I choose a boring one instead! :rolleyes

Seriously guys, Banjooie got it dead on. It's a contest! Let people build what they want, and vote what they want. Is a item from the DROD store worth this much fighting?
05-24-2006 at 02:58 AM
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (0)  
Banjooie wrote:
So, what? Are we all desperate to get something out of the Prize Pile, or is this some sort of elastic guilt reaction after everybody's ridiculous attempts to avoid following the rules in the first place?
I'm not too sure whether it's ridiculous, but it's definitely interesting.

I mean, how hard was it to make an "one-floor dungeon", Banjooie?

-- Tim
05-24-2006 at 06:36 AM
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (0)  
Michthro: your example is not quite the same, as I would be voting perhaps too harshly on entries breaking the contest rules, even if possibly not the spirit of the contest, you, however, would be voting too harshly on an arbitrary criteria of your choice.

Banjooie: I never asked to bend the rules, and in fact, my 1s only went to holds with a very serious rule-breaking problem in their puzzle rooms, not holds that bend them a little. And no, I am not that concerned about winning this contest, since I knew I wouldn't before I entered it, which I did because I had fun building my hold.

And I might rethink my voting criteria, because 5 of the 6 holds I had placed a 1 on also had other problems, including a lot more rule-breaking than just an oversight, and not being fun. So I might vote a higher mark for holds that have a clearable room, but are otherwise good. And, Michthro, that possibly includes your hold since since I haven't played through it yet.
05-24-2006 at 06:41 AM
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (0)  
I'm 11, and I was in first place for a while... now I'm tyed for fourth.

Play my holds?
05-24-2006 at 06:50 AM
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (0)  
Tim wrote:
I'm not too sure whether it's ridiculous, but it's definitely interesting.

I mean, how hard was it to make an "one-floor dungeon", Banjooie?

-- Tim

Halph never does anything right, does he. :(

Dumb kid.
05-24-2006 at 07:00 AM
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Beef Row
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (0)  
Banjooie wrote:
Tim wrote:
I'm not too sure whether it's ridiculous, but it's definitely interesting.

I mean, how hard was it to make an "one-floor dungeon", Banjooie?

-- Tim

Halph never does anything right, does he. :(

Dumb kid.

Unless his mom is secretly paying him to sabotage Beethro, in a cold-blooded family rivalry. Then Halph may indeed be the most brilliant and devious being ever to walk the dark paths beneath the Eighth. (Wow, Eighth looks weird. Is that even right?)

"Now I will repeatedly apply the happy-face rule"
05-24-2006 at 08:05 AM
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (0)  
Schik wrote:
Ostegolectr1c wrote:
Sorry. Undo my vote, as i can see it's pretty unfair to vote myself 10 and everyone else 1.
After i finish all holds, i'll vote properly.
I've unvoted for you. You're free to re-vote when you've finished all of the holds.

NiroZ, though you stated you've done the same intentionally, I'll give you the same offer of unvoting so you can re-vote fairly. I mean seriously... would you really want to win that way?
yeah, might as well unvote me.

in anycase, if all 20 where to vote 1 19 times, and 20 once, it would mean that they all recived the same score, thus anyone else who voted differently would change it by a smaller amount, but it would still change(by a very small amount), right?

I guess I'm just used to the luxury of having a clear set of instructions for the competitions, and this one threw my off in a big way.
05-24-2006 at 08:30 AM
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (0)  
I would still like to see victory demos everyone :D

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05-24-2006 at 09:49 AM
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (+1)  
Sorry, BeefRow and Doom, but it's only fair that I should mention that your holds have flaws as well. I hadn't played through them yet yesterday. I also forgot that I hadn't played Jason's hold yet, in which it turns out that you can't kill anything and get away with it (albeit mostly by virtue of all monsters being tucked behind arrows or trapdoors). So looks like it's between Krishh and Jason ;) Close call...

The flaws I'm referring to:
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I really like the way Doom made the brain in HoP:1S1E open to attack. The safe and sure option would have been to make it inaccessible, but at risk of making a mistake, he adds a little spice by letting you try and get away with killing the brain. This is a good example of why there's so much more to it than not making a little mistake. I much prefer a hold with interesting non-killing contrivances, and puzzle elements on top of that - even if there are some mistakes that can be fixed - than room after room consisting of nothing more than overdone, cheap non-killing techniques, with little or no actual puzzle/skill element.

One more thing:
techant wrote:
Remember - Mistakes happen when holds are not beta tested and we could not beta test for this contest so I expect some errors. I plan to not count them down too much unless it looks intentionally sloppy (or the maker of the hold is saying they are counting it against others). Last nite laying bed I think I thought of an unintentional solution to one of my rooms I missed :blush . I am not saying which one it is or if it is there cuz then you guys would junp on it and count me down. I just wanted to illistrate a point about beta testing.
Very, very true. It is extremely difficult to avoid mistakes. The best way to test is to let others play your hold, which obviously can't be allowed in a contest. Once you've designed a room you tend to only see the intended solution, where someone else could quickly spot an error. It gets even more difficult if your rooms have more to them than the bit where you're stuck if you do kill something. In my 1N1E the mistake came in when I changed the room to try and make it more interesting. Should I have been better off leaving it the way it was? I feel it should mainly be about ideas. So sure, if a hold is riddled with mistakes, and it seems that the author didn't even bother to test, that should be punished. Also if it's the idea itself that simply doesn't work. But when there's just some simple mistake in the implementation of a good idea, it's not such a big deal.

Ok, that's all for now. Thank you if you actually read up to here.
05-24-2006 at 04:38 PM
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (+1)  
NiroZ wrote:
yeah, might as well unvote me.
Done. Now we're down to one person who has voted almost all 1s - Jason. Jason, if your 1 votes were unintentional, or if it was on purpose but your conscience is getting the better of you, let me know and I'll unvote for you as well.
in anycase, if all 20 where to vote 1 19 times, and 20 once, it would mean that they all recived the same score, thus anyone else who voted differently would change it by a smaller amount, but it would still change(by a very small amount), right?
Sure, but most people will try to win fairly - by rating all of the holds by their merits, not rating them poorly just to try to boost your own chances. If all participants voted 10 for themselves and 1 for everybody else, we might as well make it a rule that they can't vote at all, and let the rest of us non-participants choose the winner.

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05-24-2006 at 04:45 PM
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (0)  
Well, I'm into the back half of the entries. I haven't managed to finish all of the earlier ones, although a lot of progress has been made. Some of these are really quite difficult...given time I'm sure I could manage it, but since the polls close in four days, well...

It's really interesting to see what everyone has done in their holds. A compilation hold would be very cool, although I guess you'd have to mark most of the rooms 'uninteresting'.

So far, though:

Dali's and Jason's entries are not completable.
I've actually finished Banjooie's, Chaco's, Muiff's entries.
Beef Row's, Doom's, michthro's and Krishh's I haven't been able to finish yet.

So working on NiroZ's entry right now.

But mostly, having fun! Great contest idea, Ezlo!

"Rings and knots of joy and grief, all interlaced and locking." --William Buck
05-24-2006 at 05:01 PM
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (0)  
michthro wrote:
So looks like it's between Krishh and Jason ;) Close call...

Shucks, I was this close to winning by default ;), but Jason's hold has 9 accesable rooms, and the rules don't say the hold must conquerable. (and there's the whole "these rules are not set in stone" rule, but let's not spoil the moment)

Considering these circumstances, I will vote a bit more leniently, but this is a bit funny.
05-24-2006 at 05:31 PM
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (+1)  
By the way, if these entries all do get turned into a compilation hold, it would be cool if people were given a chance to correct any mistakes prior to publishing...

"Rings and knots of joy and grief, all interlaced and locking." --William Buck
05-24-2006 at 06:07 PM
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (0)  
Go right ahead! The only thing that bothers me is that I have to reset all the staircases, but that won't be too bad.
05-24-2006 at 06:49 PM
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (0)  
Once again, I think someone claimed somewhere there was a possible monster-kill in my hold? Can I get a confirmation on that?
05-24-2006 at 07:13 PM
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (0)  
I'm pretty sure there are no monster-kills unless you count the one in 2N with the Slayer...

Also, not a monster-kill, but you can skip the puzzle in 3N1E with the mimic.
05-24-2006 at 07:24 PM
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (0)  
I wouldn't count too strongly for minor flaws because none of these holds got the debugging-through-Arch-forum we expect of holds on the Holds board.

05-24-2006 at 07:33 PM
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (+1)  
You know the sad part?

I told myself, when I put that down 'Put trapdoors around the orb so they don't just mimic it.'

And I did.

Some time later, while I'm neatening everything up, I tell myself

'What, that seemingly random bunch of trapdoors around that orb looks ugly. SHAZAM, DISAPPEAR, FOUL SCUM.'


Marketing and design teams ruin everything, y'see.
05-24-2006 at 07:36 PM
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (0)  
Banjooie wrote:
Once again, I think someone claimed somewhere there was a possible monster-kill in my hold? Can I get a confirmation on that?
In 2N1E you can kill a tar baby and exit N (or W). If you're on the E end of the door with your sword SW as you kill it, the guards don't get you. You can also kill the Slayer and exit W.
05-24-2006 at 07:51 PM
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Beef Row
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icon Re: Death to Death! Poll (0)  
michthro wrote:
Sorry, BeefRow and Doom, but it's only fair that I should mention that your holds have flaws as well.

Click here to view the secret text

Hmmm, I checked the scripting and it works fine for all the monsters, so I assume you

Click here to view the secret text

I'd be interested in a demo of this.

"Now I will repeatedly apply the happy-face rule"
05-24-2006 at 09:28 PM
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