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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Feature Requests : Tar Pike
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icon Tar Pike (0)  
I''ve been sitting on this one for nearly a year now (I couldn't be bothered to begin with, and then I forgot all about it...:()

One of the most fearsome predators of the Tar, it lives in the substance, hunting out its victims with its specialised sense of smell and its razor-sharp teeth. This animal will also devour Tar as a food source and so has been introduced to dungeons as a method of tar control. Because it eats the medium it lives in, it lays eggs which can lay dormant on the floor of a dungeon many years after the Pike has eaten the Tar to wait for a new mass of it to grow over it, and so allow it to hatch. This strange creature is a helper of Beethro, not an enemy. It starts off life as an egg on the dungeon floor, and Beethro can pick it up and place it like a mimic in a square of tar. It will take three moves to hatch, at which point it is vulnerable to be eaten by Tar Sharks or any other living monster in tar, so Beethro may need to protect it. However, after this, it becomes fully grown and inedible to most other monsters in the tar. It will immediately begin to chase after and eat all the creatures it can attack in the tar mass it's in, including Tar Mothers, causing all monsters in it to run as far as they can from it, although if Beethro gets too close to them, they can still attack him. The Tar Pike can move in all directions, but will take one move to eat the Tar in the square it's on before moving on to the next. It can move and survive for 3 moves out of Tar and so if it beaches itself, it will try to reach the nearest blob of tar before suffocating and dying. Once all the monsters in the Tar have been destroyed, it will continue going in the direction it's facing until it hits the edge of the tar. It then will start to methodically clear all the Tar, going clockwise around the edge of the Tar, until there is none left. It is a useful partner to Beethro, but should he feel the need to destroy it if it is eating too much tar, he can either try to beach it as before, or he can stab it because it will not attack him.
The Tar Pike, however, is killed by electricity, so will avoid Electric Eels or any other electricity based monster, and cannot be placed in an electrified tar mass. It is mostly Tar based, so it will not attack or chase any other monsters not living in tar (including tar babies). It can also be frozen by the Ice Bomb or other freezing devices/monsters.

Resident Medic/Mycologist
07-21-2003 at 10:33 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 02-04-2003
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icon Re: Tar Pike (0)  
:blink've thought this thing out! I don't think I like the eating of the tar mothers though...There may be times people want to make puzzles where a tar pike would need to go between places requiring tar growth...maybe it could be coded to go for tar mothers last, no matter the distance. Also, if it is being beached, would it be able to have a tar baby as an "air bubble" type thing? That would be interesting to say the least.

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07-21-2003 at 11:10 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 02-04-2003
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icon Re: Re: Tar Pike (0)  
zex20913 wrote:
I don't think I like the eating of the tar mothers though...There may be times people want to make puzzles where a tar pike would need to go between places requiring tar growth...maybe it could be coded to go for tar mothers last, no matter the distance.
I like the suggestion.
Also, if it is being beached, would it be able to have a tar baby as an "air bubble" type thing? That would be interesting to say the least.
Probably - maybe the pike would change colour once it begins to run out of air, as a visual indicator, and so will go for the nearest tar baby on its way to the nearest blob of tar.

Resident Medic/Mycologist
07-21-2003 at 11:15 PM
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Level: Smiter
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Registered: 02-25-2003
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icon Re: Tar Pike (0)  
Going for the tar mother last would make sense in the mind of the Pike, because the mother creates more tar for it to munch on.

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07-22-2003 at 06:15 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 1723
Registered: 02-04-2003
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icon Re: Tar Pike (0) more thing. Since it can use tar babies as an air bubble, I think that if it eats a tar baby, it does not need to wait a move. Think about it. If you're drowning, and you get a breath of air, would you wait another minute? No, you would try to get more air! That's probably a bad analogy...or at least a morbid one, but it's the reasoning behind this latest suggestion. Also, it would make it easier if, say it goes for a 2X2 blob. Ah! Got it. If it is not next to any tar, it does not need to wait one move after munching on it. Then again, it's your helpful monster Wes.

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07-22-2003 at 09:42 PM
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