486 ? Pffft, now I feel old.
I used to do assembler on the ZX Spectrum, ahhh, the lovely 8 bit Zilog Z80 . And the fonts on that were done similarly..
Each character was 8X8 - A table, stored all the characters with each row of 8 bits represented by a byte, therefore 8 bytes per character stored.
And as for the screen map, that was stored in a real weird way, but surfice to say, each pixel on the screen was stored in clumps of 8 pixels per byte, using a bit for each pixel - on or off... And colour ? That was a seperate overlay, with one byte covering a whole 8x8 square - 3 bits for the foreground colour (yes, ! 8 colours!), 3 bits for the background colour, one bit to say if the square is flashing, the final bit to say whether the colours are 'bright'. So, you could only get 2 colours into an 8x8 square on the spectrum, which caused the 'blob' effect on certain games... However, some people were quite ingenious in how they mapped things to reduce the effect of the blobbing..
But.. I digress..
Anyway, smileys? Well OBVIOUSLY! It has to be these!!! BAAAAH!
Disclaimer: I'm Welsh, left-handed, and stupid.
[Last edited by jamie at 03-17-2007 02:35 PM]