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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Architecture : Sleyar's Dungeon (First Part) (A hold for "new" player)
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Resert On
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Rank Points: 37
Registered: 05-02-2017
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File: Sleyars Dungeon First Part v005.hold (38.5 KB)
Downloaded 67 times.
License: Public Domain
icon Sleyar's Dungeon (First Part) (+2)  
So, I make this hold few months ago, while waiting my hold 'Slayer Manipulation' is being tested. For first part, i use DROD: AE to make rooms and puzzles. For second part, i'll use DROD 2 to make rooms and puzzles. I aim this hold for 5 brain, but if you think it's very diffucult or less difficult, tell me.


Hold Progress :
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Level Scheme :
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08-18-2017 at 04:50 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 02-20-2007
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icon Re: Sleyar's Dungeon (First Part) (+3)  
Well, I got as far as I could, until I hit a non-backtrackable room that blocks further progress.

So far, there are some really nice ideas and good rooms here, but also some major flaws. If you do a good job of listening to feedback and editing the hold in response, this could end up as a really nice beginner hold, which is something we could definitely do with more of.

The text throughout the hold needs editing and improving, but that's something to do at the end when you've finished making the rooms so your editor knows all the text you need. I'd be happy to help you with proofreading, if in return you agree to take feedback on this hold seriously.

With that said, here are my comments on the hold so far.

First Level
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Second Level
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Third Level
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Fourth Level
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50th Skywatcher

[Last edited by Nuntar at 08-18-2017 08:01 PM]
08-18-2017 at 07:35 PM
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Resert On
Level: Delver
Rank Points: 37
Registered: 05-02-2017
IP: Logged
icon Re: Sleyar's Dungeon (First Part) (0)  
Thanks for your feedback! I will proceed it. But can you provide the demo? Any version is welcome.

Also, in later levels, I bit confused that i can't get any idea (for example in fourth level). Can someone give me some idea?

Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Resert On at 08-19-2017 03:08 PM]
08-19-2017 at 03:01 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 4986
Registered: 02-20-2007
IP: Logged

File: Sleyars Dungeon First Part.demo (16.9 KB)
Downloaded 59 times.
License: Public Domain
icon Re: Sleyar's Dungeon (First Part) (0)  
Sure, here's my demo pack for Levels 1 and 2, and all the rooms I cleared in 3.

For Level 4, I suggest you have a look at other holds that introduce elements one at a time, and the ideas they've used in goblin levels. Not all the ideas will be suitable, since you want to restrict this to AE elements only, and some of the holds are aiming for a higher difficulty level than yours, but you can at least get some ideas about the kinds of room you can do with a goblin theme.

Unfortunately, Simon's Dungeon doesn't have a goblin level. Some that do are:
King Dugan's Dungeon, Level 14
Journey to Rooted Hold, Level 13
Dan's Dungeon, Level 14
Phil's Dungeon, Level 4
Riddles Within the Below, Level 15 (in Architecture)
Entry Point - Public Preview (in Architecture)

Goblins are a very complex element, and in this case I'd strongly recommend not trying to introduce and explain all their behaviour. That's really beyond the scope of a beginner hold, and is best left to Advanced Concepts, which players can look at later when they're ready and interested to know all the details. Instead, it would be better to concentrate on the simple concepts of how you kill a goblin (then two, three...), how you push them around with your sword, and the kinds of puzzles and linchpins this can be used for.

50th Skywatcher
08-20-2017 at 06:02 PM
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Resert On
Level: Delver
Rank Points: 37
Registered: 05-02-2017
IP: Logged
icon Re: Sleyar's Dungeon (First Part) (0)  
Nuntar wrote:
Sure, here's my demo pack for Levels 1 and 2, and all the rooms I cleared in 3.

For Level 4, I suggest you have a look at other holds that introduce elements one at a time, and the ideas they've used in goblin levels. Not all the ideas will be suitable, since you want to restrict this to AE elements only, and some of the holds are aiming for a higher difficulty level than yours, but you can at least get some ideas about the kinds of room you can do with a goblin theme.

Unfortunately, Simon's Dungeon doesn't have a goblin level. Some that do are:
King Dugan's Dungeon, Level 14
Journey to Rooted Hold, Level 13
Dan's Dungeon, Level 14
Phil's Dungeon, Level 4
Riddles Within the Below, Level 15 (in Architecture)
Entry Point - Public Preview (in Architecture)

Goblins are a very complex element, and in this case I'd strongly recommend not trying to introduce and explain all their behaviour. That's really beyond the scope of a beginner hold, and is best left to Advanced Concepts, which players can look at later when they're ready and interested to know all the details. Instead, it would be better to concentrate on the simple concepts of how you kill a goblin (then two, three...), how you push them around with your sword, and the kinds of puzzles and linchpins this can be used for.

Sigh... I have two problems :

1. Riddles Within the Below, Level 1 3N
How to Beethro and Halph pass this room? I think this room impossible.

2. Entry Point - Public Preview, Unfriendly Neighbours, The Entrance
Seems a bug, when the cutscene starts when Beethro and Halph go to the fortress, the Beethro oddly seems teleported back to _X, _Y and seems not updated.

Click here to view the secret text

08-27-2017 at 11:57 AM
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Level: Disabled
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Registered: 03-08-2014
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icon Re: Sleyar's Dungeon (First Part) (0)  
2 is indeed probably a bug, but 1 is actually one of the easier levels in Riddles Within The Below.

Click here to view the secret text

If you can't pass even the First Level, then Riddles Within The Below is probably not what you want to aim for, as the goblin puzzles are in one of the hardest levels in the hold (Level 15).

As you are using AE, Dan's Dungeon, Riddles Within the Below, and Entry Point are probably not what you want to model after, as they all have many puzzles utilizing post-AE elements. King Dugan's Dungeon and Phil's Dungeon are what you want most, but Journey to Rooted Hold rooms that do not use 2.0 elements are also a safe bet to model after.
08-27-2017 at 04:38 PM
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