Dear Brainiac1999,
I wanted to have some words to you, regarding this hold.
First, this hold is a little bit inaccurate.
I'll list the inaccuracies below:
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×1. On the scrolls describing Build Markers, you said that the builders would stop when no build markers remain. This is not always the case. The builders will continue moving (from one relay station to another), if there are more than one accessible relay stations of the same colour.
2. Regarding "Imperative invulnerable": You said that it cannot be slain but dies in other death conditions. No, this is wrong. Characters with the "Imperative invulnerable" cannot be eaten by an adder, they can't be killed by a bomb's explosion, nor they can be killed by a hot tile. However, there are indeed some death conditions that can kill an "Invulnerable" character, such as: Briars, adding "Imperative Die" command to the character.
3. Regarding the "Mix 'Imperative Deadly' , 'Imperative Required Target', and 'Move to Player' commands to create the same exact behaviour of roaches": No. This is not exactly true. A monster created with these commands can sidestep very simple obstacles such as a 1x1 wall, and will not be affected by brains.
Second, the puzzle at 1N is a very simple application of scripting (By the way, Brainiac, did you intend this room as an application of scripting? Just asking.) but it's a bit too simple. By the way, I would like to say several ideas you could do with scripting at the end of this post.
So, all in all, a not very good hold. I rated this hold with 2 for fun and 1 for difficulty. No offense, Brainiac. You can do better than this

. I hope that your next hold is an improvement.
Some ideas for puzzles involving scripting:
1. A 'Neather-like character. He tries to kill you (with monsters behind the door) or block you by opening or closing doors at a certain moment.
2. Puzzles like in the Torture Chamber of TCB. In that level, there are mimic characters which move. They can spin in fixed position(thus it can kill monsters), move forwards and backwards repeatedly (This movement can stab the monsters), etc.
3. See the level called Scripting Museum in
Jeffrey's Hold. It's also a good hold.