Level: Master Delver

Rank Points: 159
Registered: 02-08-2010
IP: Logged
Re: war21 (0)
While I haven't played the majority of the war holds, I found this one to be the one of the weaker ones. Constant room templates in a war hold can be (and if I recall has been) relatively interesting, but the template you'll be seeing the most of is essentially an empty space with a given monster type or two and some mimics. The second most common is a series of trivial rooms where the goal appears to be preventing a small number of roaches or roach queens from stepping on various pressure plates, but you can easily leave from the entrance, but only one room exit is ever blocked from this. There were some interesting and/or fun rooms here, but on the whole it left the impression that this installment was phoned in.
Like Chaco said, the types of challenges here are pretty typical for war holds, but I felt it was on the easier side for those unfamiliar with the series. You shouldn't find yourself in a position where you're surrounded by monsters, and the right mimic strategy should make the goblin-heavy rooms pretty manageable. That said, some confidence with guards is probably recommended, and the one room that utilizes a step-to-kill player role could be difficult for those lacking experience with those sorts of puzzles.
Also, there are two rooms where leaving the wrong way can force a restore, but neither one is a big problem.
aka VioletPumpkin