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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Holds : DROD Scenario Puzzle pack ( (French drod adventure (Didou Story))
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Author Name:Didouneto
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Hold Name:DROD Scenario Puzzle pack (
Theme:French drod adventure (Didou Story)
Author's Difficulty:
Number of Levels:11
Number of Rooms:22
Number of Monsters:1769
Version:DROD: Architect's Edition
High Scores:View High Scores
Hold Karma:0 (+0 / -0)
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Level: Legendary Smitemaster
Rank Points: 8
IP: Logged

File: Didou story (Sorry but this file is french) .hold (13 KB)
Downloaded 1816 times.
License: Other
From: Unspecified
icon DROD Scenario Puzzle pack (  
It is very Difficult
(Sorry but this file is french)
03-21-2004 at 12:42 AM
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icon Re: DROD Scenario Puzzle pack ( (0)  
I'm afraid this hold is not difficult. In fact, it is extremely easy.

Eighty people came to the bazaar.
03-21-2004 at 12:57 AM
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icon Re: DROD Scenario Puzzle pack ( (0)  
Agreed. This is an extremely easy hold.
03-21-2004 at 06:46 AM
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icon Re: DROD Scenario Puzzle pack ( (0)  
I would say that almost all of this hold would be half way through level 2 in difficulity. Please excuse my spelling.

Secondly, the only stairs in the only room in "Destruction du reacteur", this room, leads me back to the same room. There know there is another floor, but I cannot seem to get to it.

Edit: Sorry if I sounded negitive about this hold. I think the this is an intestring hold. I just thought that the difficulity was off.

[Edited by patmo98 on 03-21-2004 at 08:47 PM GMT]
03-21-2004 at 07:17 AM
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icon Re: DROD Scenario Puzzle pack ( (0)  
There is certainly stuff in this hold way beyond level 2 in difficulty, yet it definitely is quite the easy hold, some levels take a bit of experience... notable the serpent ones... I so far have found this hold quite aesthetically pleasing however... and would recommend it to beginners... who can speak french... for the author, I would recommend a tour in architecture forum before any future postings, thus allowing full playtesting and realistic difficulty assement.

"Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government
and business." - Tom Robbins
03-21-2004 at 08:02 AM
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icon Re: DROD Scenario Puzzle pack ( (0)  
I HAVE FINISH A ENGLISH VERSION (Just the end is not translated)

OK,my pack is not difficult,But it is my first game!! :pepsi
03-21-2004 at 08:07 PM
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icon Re: DROD Scenario Puzzle pack ( (+3)  
Note to non-french speakers: I'm pointing out a few problems with the hold (stairs, typos), advising to post in the architecture forum first, and helping with translation. Oh, and if you spot mistakes in my translation below (bold non underlined), please say so.

Salut, il y a un probleme avec ton donjon dans le niveau 'destruction du reacteur'. Les escaliers te renvoie au debut du niveau. A part ca, il y a quelques fautes de frappe et de grammaire dans la version francaise et surtout dans la version anglaise. Le plus simple c'est que je te donne la version francaise corrigee avec ma traduction (corrections du francais soulignees et en gras):

Instint du serpent / The serpent instinct
Detruisez le serpent grace au mur qui vous entoure. (du depart evidemment) / Destroy the snake with the wall that surrounds you. (the starting wall, obviously)

Attaque des Arachnides / Attack of the Arachnids
Detruisez toutes les araignees. Faites attention au trappes / Destroy all the spiders. Beware of the trapdoors

Boules magiques / Magic orbs
Essayez une bonne combinaison pour passer / Find the right combination to go through
Ferme / Close, Ouvre / Open

Trappe piege / Trapdoors (la traduction literale serait trapped trapdoor mais ca ne sonne pas bien).
Essayez de sortir en faisant attention a ne pas rester bloque, puis tuer le coeur / Try to get out, paying attention not to be blocked, then kill the heart
En passant, ce n'est pas un coeur, mais un cerveau (brain en anglais).

Contamination / Contamination
Trouvez la sortie / Find the exit
Conseil: ne pas detruire les yeux en haut a droite et en haut a gauche parce que si vous vous retrouvez avec de la matiere bleue coincee dans la sortie vous ne pourrez plus rien faire. / A piece of advice: Do not destroy the eyes in the top left and right corners otherwise you may find yourself with tar blocking the exit
En passant, la matiere bleue c'est du goudron (tar en anglais)

A tour de role / In turns
Activez les boules magiques pour tuer les monstres un par un. Attention, des araignees sont cachees grace a la couleur du sol. / Activate the magic orbs to kill the monsters one by one. Careful, spiders are hiding thanks to the colour of the floor

Cours ou meurs / Run or die
Foncez toujours a droite jusqu'a la sortie (detruire les serpents et les monstres ne sert a rien). / Run right to the exit (destroying the snakes and monsters is useless)
Fais tres attention a la piece suivante / Be very careful in the next room
Les coeurs rouges a droite font tenir tous les donjons en equilibre. C'est un reacteur tres puissant qui ne peut etre desactive que par la boule magique principale / The red hearts on the right hold the dunjons in equilibrium. It is a very powerful reactor that can only be deactivated by the master magic orb
Parole du hero: donjon volant / Thus spoke the hero: flying dunjon

Niveau bonus / Bonus level
Ce niveau secret sert seulement a voir si vous pouvez reussir une enigme de ce type. / The only purpose of this secret level is to see if you can manage such a puzzle

Boss final Echnidia le serpent / Final boss: Echnidia the snake
Battez le serpent a tout prix. Attention tailladez le mur au centre pour qu'il soit pris au piege / Beat the snake at all cost. Beware: carve the wall in the middle to trap it
Tu crois vraiment que c'est parce que tu m'as battu que je suis mort. Je peux etre reincarne en n'importe quoi. La suite ne va pas te plaire / Do you really think that I'm dead because you beat me ? I can reincarnate into anything. You're not going to like what comes next
Tu ne crois pas m'atteindre j'espere / You don't expect to reach me, I hope ?
Ceci est la boule magique principale. Si vous l'activez toutes les barrieres dans le monde seront detruites / This is the master magic orb. If you activate it all the gates in the world will be destroyed

Destruction du reacteur / Destruction of the reactor
Le reacteur peut enfin etre detruit, l'activation de la boule principale a detruit certains murs ou a rendu certains murs trop fragiles / At last the reactor can be destroyed. The activation of the master orb has destroyed some walls and has made others too fragile
Donc vous descendez vers un nouveau passage qui mene droit au reacteur / Thus you walk down towards a new passageway that leads straight to the reactor
Quand soudain la piece change de couleur / When suddenly the room change colour
Le donjon commence deja a se desintegre a cause de la boule principle / The hold is already disintegrating because of the master orb

Voila, on ne peut pas aller plus loin.

Un conseil pour tes prochains donjons: Poste les d'abord dans le forum Architecture, ou les joueurs pourront d'abord tester ton donjon et te donner des conseils. Le forum hold est pour les donjons finis et bien testes.

03-22-2004 at 05:01 PM
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icon Re: DROD Scenario Puzzle pack ( (0)  
Je te memercie :D
03-22-2004 at 07:21 PM
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icon Re: DROD Scenario Puzzle pack ( (+1)  
My comments here would be much the same as for the English version. I didn't like how some of the rooms were too similar (lots of serpents, big open room) and I didn't really get into the story all that much.

Nevertheless, it was enjoyable and I appreciate people making holds for me to play.

12-14-2011 at 07:08 PM
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