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Caravel Forum : Caravel Boards : The Site : Flags! (Feature creep for teh win)
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Level: Legendary Smitemaster
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icon Flags! (+2)  
Would it be possible to add some kind of flagging system to threads (or maybe even individual posts), something like the status thing in the Bugs forum but on a per-user basis ? This could come in handy when, for example, I'm browsing the forum from university and come across a thread I'd like to reply to but don't have time or for some other reason can't do it at the moment, etc. (Hey, guess where I'm at now ?)

I usually don't have any problem remembering things like this, but hey, it couldn't hurt having it thrown in my face next time I browse the forum either. It would also make the thread(s) in question easier to find, as unless others have posted in it in the mean time it'd be marked as read and blended with the crowd.

If several different flag types were added as opposed to just a general "flag" flag, this could also be used to flag something you'd like to read later, or something you found particularly worth remembering, etc, etc! Whee.

(If you don't want to add a full flagging system, simply having the possibility of marking a thread unread would be nice :))

- Gerry

[Last edited by trick at 01-16-2006 01:07 PM]
01-16-2006 at 01:07 PM
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icon Re: Flags! (+1)  
Do you use e-mail notification? I flag forum messages to reply back to later in my inbox with the e-mail software. Just an idea.


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01-16-2006 at 04:30 PM
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icon Re: Flags! (+1)  
Also, the place where the "view today's posts" link is should have a "view threads with new posts" so that you can just look at everything without needing to open every forum and thread.

Also, is there some tag that includes the attached image into your post? Right now I have to post the attachment and then tag the image.

See my FireFox tabs:

[Last edited by coppro at 01-17-2006 02:21 AM]
01-17-2006 at 02:19 AM
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Level: Legendary Smitemaster
Rank Points: 2580
Registered: 04-12-2003
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icon Re: Flags! (0)  
ErikH2000 wrote:
Do you use e-mail notification? I flag forum messages to reply back to later in my inbox with the e-mail software. Just an idea.
I use e-mail notification, but only for some of the boards (mostly the private ones). If I wanted to flag a message on a forum I don't currently get e-mails from sometime in the future, I'd have to either know in advance and turn on notification for the entire forum now, or post a dummy message in the thread to turn on the e-mail notification checkbox. If I have to do that, it's probably better for the rest if I just remember what I wanted to do or maybe make a note somewhere off-site :).

I can flag e-mails from the forums that I do get notifications from, of course. When I'm not at home I'd have to resort to a webmail interface where I'm pretty much limited to "important/not important" flagging in stead of those neat todo/reply/etc flags I can do at the real e-mail program at home, but sure, it should be helpful .. although logging in to and using the webmail can be pretty slow and inconvenient, so until now I've just chosen to remember stuff.

Anyway, I've got a pretty good memory if I want to, so I don't see this as that big of a problem really. Just thought it'd be a nice feature :)

- Gerry

[Last edited by trick at 01-17-2006 12:46 PM]
01-17-2006 at 12:45 PM
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