I have noticed that there are some short stories that have received 1's that I am sure, do not deserve them. Those stories had good content, were on topic and had no major spelling or grammar problem that would reduce them to a level of 1. They were stories I gave very high scores to. I can only think that there is some other reason they received a 1. Maybe everyone who voted needs to explain there ratings just like a teacher does.
If the moderator can view poll results by the individual voter, as eytanz suggested, I think those that look suspicious should be thrown out. If it is a writer they should be contacted and ask to explain themselves. If the explanation is lame then they should be publicly warned that behavior like that will get them kicked out of participation in future contests. I said publicly because different contest may be run by different individuals, and they would need a way to know who to keep an eye on.
The reason I am being so hard is not that I got low votes and have hurt feeling. It is that I do not want to see good writers discourage by receiving those 1's. There were some very good stories in this contest I am sad they are not getting the recognition that they deserve.
Hopefully it is not other writers desperate to win. It is also my hope that those that voted so harshly are not aware of how this affects those that took the time to write good stories.
As for me I only found one essay that rated a 1 vote and it was removed, from voting. If this pattern continues I suggest the voting be frozen and new rules be established for voting. While I do not support removing those who wrote essays from voting, because other writers can be our best critics, I do think maybe they must state why they voted the way they did for their votes to count.
I do worry that it has come to this point. Is winning so important or is it the prize pile that is so tempting, what do you think? Maybe it is just that some do not value a good contest and are spoiling it for the rest of us?
I will be back later to see what others have to say.
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I have been continually playing contest on the forum since Dec 2004. Having often been addressed as a he my new avatar shows that I am a "
. And one with a very sharp sword, too.
I love the monthly contests but it took me a long while before I even placed. 21 contests in fact.
Virtual Burning Man was the first contest I took any place in and I got 1st, wow!. Yes, I have received my prize, a sweatshirt from the DROD store, and I love it.
It took 14 more contest but next I took 1st prize in Media of the Eighth Nov07, followed by a win in the Secret Santa 2007. Check out my entry:
Suddenly I was a winner but, still the goal of a winning hold based contest eludes me....
I keep trying so come and join me.