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Caravel Forum : Caravel Boards : The Site : Hints and Solutions search defaults to KDD
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icon Hints and Solutions search defaults to KDD (0)  
This is pretty minor, but if you try to insert a room image, the dialog defaults to JtRH since that's the new default dungeon. But if you do a search for hints/solutions, the default dungeon is still KDD.

As a side note, it would be really nice to be able to set that list box to default to whatever hold I'm currently working on (or perhaps to the last hold that you searched for help on). For example, when playing Bavato's, I frequently found myself needing help, and everytime I went to the search page, I was looking for Bavatos help, but I had to scroll up to find it.

Edit: also theres a bug that's been around for a while with the search page: Select a dungeon other than KDD. Select a level and a room, then hit submit. Now use the back button on your browser to go back to the search page. The dungeon you selected is still in the top list box. However, the level list box now refers to a level in KDD, and the level picture is of KDD level 1.

For example, just now, I selected MeckMeck's World, The Lava Execution Pod, Entrance, then went back. The selection boxes showed Meckmecks World, and Level 4 (probably since Lava Execution Pod had the same level index as level 4 of KDD) and the room image was of KDD level 1.

The really annoying part of this bug is that if I want to select another room from the same level of Meckmeck's world, I now have to select a _different_ dungeon, then go back to MMW to get the level box to reset, and then reselect the level to get the level image to reset properly.

[Edited by stigant at Local Time:04-11-2005 at 02:28 PM]

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04-11-2005 at 02:12 PM
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