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Caravel Forum : Caravel Boards : The Site : Bug in the name of my hold
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Level: Smiter
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Registered: 08-17-2004
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icon Bug in the name of my hold (0)  
If you go to the topic of my hold in the holds board, in hold name, it will have a "\\" in it when I didn't put it in.

[Edited by rowrow at Local Time:04-09-2005 at 03:00 AM]

B'hakhgra Du S'tra Moth'ness Ti!
04-09-2005 at 02:59 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 1939
Registered: 03-07-2004
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icon Re: Bug in the name of my hold (+1)  
That happens when you use an apostrophe ('). It's known, but I'm not sure what the status is on it.

--That guy with a million different aliases since he doesn't like this name anymore.
04-09-2005 at 04:40 PM
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