I managed to kill
eleven or even
twelve eyes after killing the wraith.
I wonder if this is worth a new challenge thread.
Originally i completed the room by
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×killing everything before the wraith
and did not realize at first
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×that killing the eastern side after the wraith
is actually easier... Regardless of the challenge.
Hints about the easiest
ten killing spree.
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×Wake up as many of the eyes on the east area at once you can and they can be easily aggregated on the western side.
Last eastern eye(s). Let us say the
eleventh. Not that hard.
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×Store some eye(s) in the second westernmost alcove while all doors there are closed. Then wake up all the remaining ones.
Extra non-eastern eye. Let us say the
Which. By elimination.
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×One eye from the center.
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×Store it in the eastern mimic potion area while you go eastern, then later bring it to the wraith.
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×Take it out of the center area after you dealt with the mimic of the center. For that walk in front of the open door with sword to south. Then run away and shake it off with a wall corner, to free your sword spin to be able to shield yourself after the eastern mimic potion.