"Of Mice and Moggies" was released about a year ago, and has 22 reviews on steam, all of which are positive. You play as a cat, and must kill all prey in a puzzle in order to complete it. Prey will try to run away from you when adjacent to you, and if they move out of bounds you lose. There are multiple types of prey that all behave differently, and many of the puzzles are about using these asymmetries to your advantage. There are also a few "
game elements, such as tall grass you can hide in, and turtles which behave like trapdoors.
While it has the "
-tag on steam, most of the puzzles are really not that hard, at least when compared to some of the stuff in DROD. The playing area of the puzzles are also a lot smaller than in DROD. Still, the process of chasing prey around has a similar "
to the monster manipulation in DROD. And there are a few lynchpin-puzzles in there as well! There are around 100 puzzles in the main campaign, plus a few community-created ones as well (the game has a built-in level editor). Also the game keeps track of your move count, and rewards efficient solutions with a gold medal.
It is a pretty simple game when compared to DROD: It has no story; no interconnected puzzles; and only a handful of game elements. But what’s in there is all right, and the graphics and audio are pretty cosy, so I do think it is worth playing – and it's fun to see a different take on the stepping game genre!