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Caravel Forum : DROD RPG Boards : RPG Holds : Goblin Hollow (Standard RPG gameplay)
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6.0/10 (3 votes)
σ 2.16
Author Name:Bomber50
Submitted By:bomber50
Hold Name:Goblin Hollow
Theme:Standard RPG gameplay
Author's Difficulty:
Number of Levels:1
Number of Rooms:12
Number of Monsters:82
Version:DROD RPG: Tendry's Tale (1.2)
High Scores:View High Scores
Hold Karma:0 (+0 / -0)
Poster Message
Level: Legendary Smitemaster
Rank Points: 8
IP: Logged

File: Goblin Hollow.drh (3.8 KB)
Downloaded 278 times.
License: Other
From: Unspecified
icon Goblin Hollow  
Explore the Goblin Hollow and clear it of its vermin!

This level set is one level long, and contains no percent damage. It should not be too difficult for most players.

Thank you to Nuntar, kieranmillar and Someone Else for testing!

04-18-2018 at 10:04 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 2806
Registered: 07-11-2014
IP: Logged
icon Re: Goblin Hollow (+2)  
A short, simple and straightforward level. I'm aware that this hold was an attempt at speed architecture, meaning it was developed very quickly. As a result, it doesn't do anything fancy, just stock monsters, doors, keys and stats with a few Roach Egg tricks thrown in. But this is fine, sometimes you just want to focus on pure RPG stat and key trading, and hey this hold is here for you.

If you're new to RPG, give this one a go. The hold is pretty forgiving and just beating the boss in a non-optimal manner shouldn't be tough. It's also really short, so you don't have to think about too much at once. It's a good way to focus on the fundamentals and make sure you really understand the implications of when to prioritise each stat and the importance of attack thresholds.

But if you do want to try and improve your game a bit, the hold offers a really nice optimisation challenge. There's a decent amount to think about without being too overwhelming, and many of the key trades are just the right level of bad enough to get you thinking if you really need to ever take it at all. Slowly ratcheting up my score with each attempt and rechecking my assumptions and figuring out what my real priorities need to be was a pleasant experience for me. Getting the absolute highest score is real hard though, as usually tends to be the case, so don't feel disheartened.
10-24-2020 at 02:08 PM
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