Found about this after running into it in the recently released hold "
Great place"
. I've tested this more and narrowed down the cause to "
Set appearance"
command inside a custom character's default script (same script on a regular character works fine).
Here's a simplified example of the same thing:
Create a new custom character "
Moving roach"
and give it the following default script, then follow komachi's directions.
Set appearance Roach
Move to Player 0,0
I suspect that this'll cause score verification issues because it's easy to trigger and lets you skip some enemies. We could probably try patching the hold to work around the bug (remove the "
Set appearance"
command from Temple guardians and maybe replace it with a MyColor change or something that doesn't break the universe), since I doubt there will be game patches anytime soon.
[Last edited by Doom at 04-16-2018 01:34 PM]