DiMono wrote:
agaricus5 wrote:
I just completed the holds - I'll send the demos in a minute.
That's cool, at this point you can just attach them. Congratulations. I'm inwardly pleased it's you claiming third place, because I know you were trying very hard to make a hold earlier but didn't have enough time to do what you wanted to with it.
Oops. Just sent it via e-mail.
These are quick notes - I'm a little tired now, so I'm not 100% coherent:
In reference to the holds, Doom, yours was very cool. A bit buggy, but surprisingly complicated. I guess it was lucky that you'd built rooms like this before, and so were able to make these quickly.
L2 Entrance was very clever, and stuck out to me as one of my favourites. In fact, it's given me a bit of inspiration for a room or two.
I didn't like L3 1E, or 1N 2E much, since they involved hiding things, which is not my favourite kind of theme. However, the Entrance and 1E make up for it for being very innovative.
Sim, although your hold was easier, it still contained some cool ideas too. The ones that I liked especially were L1 Entrance, L2 1S 1E, and L3 1S, of which the latter forced me to squint at the screen and look for lines of Evil Eye vision for about 5 minutes.
I suppose the only problem with it was the fact that you had quite a few more easy rooms in there, although looking at the time constraints you had, you did a pretty good job anyway.
Congratulations to you two for making the holds in such a short space of time.
Edit: Attached demos - Some of them, especially for Doom's hold, contain trivial (or easier than expected) solutions.
[Edited by agaricus5 at
Local Time:10-16-2004 at 11:25 PM]
Resident Medic/Mycologist