Here it is in all its glory! The eyes were a b*stard ro do so please don't mock me about them...
I hope you waeren't especially waiting for the hold to go with it, but I just havent finished it yet, I need one more room. more tension!
Alright, neefer bersion 2, and the last version Im bringing out. It has spiders this time, which I forgot, and I have squarised the living tar. The level is also finished and I think it's pretty good, and I am almost completely sure it's possible! Only 1N might pose a real Prblem. If it does, reply here.
[Edited by wackhead_uk at
Local Time:09-21-2004 at 10:25 PM]
[Edited by wackhead_uk at
Local Time:04-21-2005 at 09:52 PM]