Two problems here. Firstly, the venomous butterfly tries to react to two different events (stabbing it, and stabbing another monster) by using "
Wait for..."
instead of a loop.
Scripts work by running the commands in order (unless one command is explicitly to jump to a "
in a different place in the script), so any script of this form:
Wait for A
React to A
Wait for B
React to B
always wait until event A occurs before taking further action. If event B occurs and A hasn't occurred yet, nothing will happen. If you want to react to
whichever event occurs first, you need to set up a loop that checks, every turn, for both A and B happening; and if neither has happened, use "
Wait 0"
before looping back, so it doesn't try to execute twice in one turn. The script should look like this:
Label "Start"
Wait for A
React to A
Wait for B
React to B
If End
If End
Wait 0
Go to "Start"
The other problem is the way you've used "
Wait for player to touch me"
. This is triggered by the player
trying to move onto the character's square. Looks to me like you wanted to test for the
player's sword touching the venomous butterfly.
Unfortunately, there's no direct way to do this (FR, perhaps?). Fortunately, you don't need to. Temporarily subtracting 80 from the player's ATK when he attacks a certain monster, then putting it back when the monster is defeated, is
exactly the same as the monster starting out with 80 more DEF. Temporarily subtracting 20 from the player's DEF is exactly the same as the monster starting out with 20 more ATK. I would alter the monster's stats, and remove this scripting entirely
50th Skywatcher
[Last edited by Nuntar at 02-26-2013 12:12 AM]