If a snake is coming directly towards you, it keeps coming directly towards you.
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If not, then it tries to use its horizontal or vertical movement preference.
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×Horizontal preference is turns 0-4, 10-14, 20-24; vertical preference is turns 5-9, 15-19, 25-29 on the clock.
With horizontal preference, this snake will keep going.
ssssssssS ssssssssS
With vertical preference, this snake will turn.
ssssssssS ssssssss
If it can't do that, then it tries N, E, S, W, in that order.
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×For example, if you have a snake moving east with horizontal preference, and Beethro steps SW of its head, the snake wants to use its horizontal preference to move west. But it can't because its body is there. So it turns north. In the same situation, a snake with vertical preference would use that preference to turn south.
In this diagram, the snake has horizontal preference and Beethro takes one step west.
ssssssssS ssssssss