Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 3118
Registered: 06-11-2007
IP: Logged
Re: Goblin attack bug (+2)
On the flipside: the "strikes when you turn your back to it" mechanic (that's the exact wording given by the game when you right-click on a Goblin) is a simple rule to remember and adding a "except when you don't have a sword" exception to it would be an added complication. Not that we're not used to complications, but sometimes, simplicity has its place. Also, the current ruleset gives unsworded movement an interesting feel around goblins -- there are, for example, goblin placements that are easier to navigate without a sword than with one... and vice versa.
Even given that such a change was made, I would not want such a complication added to the simple script Behavior "Attack in front when back turned", since it's easy to script complex interactions from simple behavior, it's much more difficult to script basic interactions from complex behavior. So if this were to happen, I'd want it made to goblins alone. (Which reminds me... we really could do with a way of detecting whether the player currently has a sword unsheathed)
And finally, not all TCB interactions are going to make complete sense when converted over to DROD RPG in the first place. While certain comparisons are going to be made, I'd take impact to DROD RPG's gameplay as a more important factor, and I think I'd rather see what people do with goblins as they are, rather than turn them into a weaker version of Seep when you don't have a sword.