Vote before peeking. Please.
×My votes are based on the NiroZ's suggested voting criteria (Difficulty, Fun factor and Polishing) as well as how the puzzle feels in general. Entries got voted like so:
lopsidation's Abcdefpuzzle -
I didn't like this puzzle at all. The picture is kind of confusing, so are clues. And we do not know anything about the puzzle apart from the fact that it is a puzzle. I couldn't solve it because of this. Others may disagree, but I believe this one was rather bad. Sorry.
noma's Sounds Like -
A good puzzle with appropriate difficulty. Some clues are ambiguous (my first reaction to #14 was BTW), which reduces the rating from 10 to 8. Personally I blame my riddle-illiteracy.
Tim's Puzzle -
An interesting and very clearly stated puzzle with added bonus of being a computational problem (backtracking with pruning). Don't see any flaws.
mxvladi's Crossword -
It's... well... a crossword. Nothing more to add. Except the fact that it is a poor crossword, as far as crosswords go. #5 has no intersections, for example. It's not that bad, but still.
brian_s' Laryngitis -
An interesting twist on an old puzzle. 10/10 from me. It has another solution, by the way:
Click here to view the secret text
Person 1 - Bert, a Knave.
Person 2 - Dave, a Liar.
Person 3 - Carl, a Knight.
Alex has laryngitis.
techant's Sudoku Puzzle -
It's a sudoku with numbers replaced with items. Because I find sudoku to be a rather boring puzzle, fun score hurts. But the secret message was a good idea, though.
DanielFishman's entry -
There aren't that much interesting puzzles involving clocks. This one was great, keep up the good ideas
And I gave myself 9.