I was tired of coding so i started writing the introduction for the game. please be aware that english is my 3rd language (after portuguese and french) so if you find any mispelling or bad grammar please (please) correct it!
im a big fan of douglas adams so i 'borrowed' his writting style
any comments/suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Drod Quest (prototype title)
Far out, in the uncharted backwaters of a candy-coloured castle dungeon, lies a small, unregarded, yellow bug. Well, almost unregarded as, orbiting this, at a distance of roughly 10 feet, is a blue-green bug-exterminator named Beethro.
You see, Beethro has a job. His job is to exterminate bugs that are about 2,15378 times his size, using a sword that is exactly his size, and given that his size is about 2,57221 times the size of a well-constituted human being, the smallish bug worries him.
'Something is amiss.', he worries.
The smallish bug however, is worried by something else. Something almost, but not completely, unlike him. Something roughly 10,75137 times bigger than the circling figure that is starting, lets face it, to annoy him. The figure is, however, totaly oblivious to this, and the other, fact.
Meanwhile, on the surface, things were relatively normal. At least as normal as they could be when a huge army of unusualy large cockroaches are having lunch-break at the local population.
This was perfectly normal, and nothing to be worried about, as many other blood-thirsty entities usualy had lunch-breaks at the local population, namely termites, lizards, bloodworms and tourists. There was even a third type of entity currently having lunch-break at the local population, and at about anything else in fact. Its name was Dugan, and it was often prefixed with the word 'King', and most often postfixed with the words 'The Fat Lard' or 'The Big Chicken'.
It is interesting to note that one day, long ago, King Dugan The Big Fat Chicken Lard, upon glancing one of the previously mentioned giant roaches, obsessed with the idea of a big feast, had 2/3 of his personal guard killed while trying to slay the suculent insect, and also caused the death by exaustion of 3.753 of his personal 'chefs' (wich accounted for roughly 1/10 of his cuisine personnel), who where unable to prepare the 273 gallons of sauce 'vinegrette' required to season the suculent animal. It is even more interesting to note that the feast in question got away with minor bruising. "
The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair."
- Douglas Adams, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy