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Caravel Forum : Caravel Boards : The Site : Spider Trouble
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Level: Smitemaestro
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Registered: 05-01-2005
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icon Spider Trouble (0)  
I played Echoes offline, and now that I'm trying to upload some scores, I can't. Two things go wrong:

-The spider rejects all my demos.
-Despite uploading only about 100 demos, the "My Scores" tab shows that I have nearly 200 unverified demos.

If it helps, what I tried to upload is my scores for the trivial secret rooms in Echoes. They're all monsterless entrances you exit down stairs. I looked at some of them from the demos screen, and nothing seems wrong.
12-17-2006 at 02:25 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 865
Registered: 03-01-2005
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icon Re: Spider Trouble (0)  
If you have 200 unverified demos, how do you know the spider is rejecting them?

And hmm. I hope this isn't the 2.0.15 level entrance bug again. On the F6 screen, does the text at the upper right claim the demo is corrupted?
12-17-2006 at 02:54 PM
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Level: Smitemaestro
Rank Points: 679
Registered: 05-01-2005
IP: Logged
icon Re: Spider Trouble (0)  
schep wrote:
If you have 200 unverified demos, how do you know the spider is rejecting them?
The 200 becomes a 0.
And hmm. I hope this isn't the 2.0.15 level entrance bug again. On the F6 screen, does the text at the upper right claim the demo is corrupted?
I checked that there's nothing obviously wrong with the demos themselves, but I suppose it could be related to that even if the demos aren't considered corrupted.
12-17-2006 at 04:37 PM
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