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Caravel Forum : Caravel Boards : The Site : How many people have conquered a room?
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Level: Smitemaster
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icon How many people have conquered a room? (+1)  
Maybe interesting high score request thingy:

Something that says how many high scores (and thus how many conquerers) a room has. It could be added as an extra column on the misc pages (although that's pretty chockers already)

So for example JtRH: First Level: Entrance has 336 conquerers.
Whereas Caverns of Animus: The Long Ascent: 2 North, 2 East has 12 people who have managed to make it all the way through.

It might be interesting to see which rooms have the fewest conquerers. And if the existence of such a list would mean that people will try to get scores for the least-conquered rooms. Which would bump that room down the list. Whoo, negative feedback!

11-07-2006 at 08:35 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 02-12-2006
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icon Re: How many people have conquered a room? (0)  
While I can defiantly see possibility's for people looking for holds to get hiscores on, how would it be negative feedback?

[Last edited by NiroZ at 11-07-2006 08:42 AM]
11-07-2006 at 08:41 AM
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Level: Master Delver
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icon Re: How many people have conquered a room? (0)  
Hey, that would be a pretty cool stat to know. Any way it's possible to dig that up even without the new feature being put in? What's the least conquered room, among all rooms conquered at least once?
11-07-2006 at 09:04 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 2488
Registered: 09-10-2004
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icon Re: How many people have conquered a room? (0)  
NiroZ wrote:
While I can defiantly see possibility's for people looking for holds to get hiscores on, how would it be negative feedback?

Negative feedback as in the opposite of the positive feedback such as you get when put a microphone in fron of a speaker.

If more people try to get a room based on its low number of conquerors, then more people conquering it will mean that less people try to conquer it.

11-07-2006 at 03:20 PM
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