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icon Rating difficulty twice (+2)  
Michthro and I (and other peoples) have been arguing about rating philosophy in the thread for the hold "Underground civilisation", and I have more to say about but I'm tired of hijacking that thread so I moved it to its own thread.

Note that everything below reflects my opinion. It's perfectly fine to have a different philosophy about ranking (and indeed, there's another thread about this specific question. But I want to get into detail about my particular thoughts on the issue at stake.

And this issue is: holds have two scores, "Difficulty" and "overall". Are we supposed to take difficulty into account when we rate "overall", considering that it's rated seperately?

My answer to this is: absolutely yes. But not in quite the same way.

Except in extreme cases of difficulty (either trivial or practical impossibility), difficulty is not the same as quality. It's possible to have a good, easy hold. It's also possible to have a terrible hold that's challenging. I can easily think of real examples of both. But while the two factors are not the same, they are not independent.

"Overall" =/= "Craftsmanship" or "polish". It's not a rating of how hard the author worked on it. It's a rating of my overall experience. And if a hold is easy, it will have a harder time making a memorable experience for me. It will require great story, or great polish, or something extra. A challenging hold can get a good rate without that something extra, because the challenge in itself is part of the experience. On the other hand, if a hold is too difficult, it might cause me to give up early, or to rely on hints, or to be frustrated in a bad way. None of these things are enjoyable to me, so that would cause me to give the hold a lower score than I would have had it been a bit easier.

But besides that, there are other factors. One of them is "how is difficulty distributed?" In order to be enjoyable, a good hold needs an interesting difficulty curve. That means that the rooms, as a general rule, need to progress from less challenging to more challenging. This is a rule of thumb, not a hard-and-fast rule, but a hold that doesn't do this runs a good chance of being rated lower because I'm less likely to enjoy it. In fact, the only thing about KDD I didn't enjoy even in my first playthrough was the wonky difficulty curve.

There's other things, too, such as the type of difficulty. To take the room that started this whole discussion, the entrance room of "Underground civilisation" is difficult for what I consider to be all the wrong reasons. It's an orb puzzle, but one where the ideal outcome is not obvious, and it's stuck in with a strict timer that makes experimentation difficult. It also has a lot of red herrings, both literally (5 extra orbs), and conceptually (you need to realize that it is an orb puzzle and not a horde management puzzle). For me, all of this adds up to a room that's difficult to solve and harder yet to enjoy.

Now, it's not that this room couldn't be made enjoyable. It could. If it was surrounded by other similar puzzles, then I could at least have been in the right mindset to begin with. But wait - it is surrounded by them. But you can't reach them until you solve it. That's the worst - it's a room that requires a very narrow solution that's acting as a bottleneck to other, simpler rooms that might help you solve it. That's just plain out wrong.

And all this is independent of the obvious skill and craftsmanship that the hold's author put into the hold. It's a problem of difficulty. But it's a problem that made me have a considerably less pleasent experience here than I could have. This should, and will be, once I rate the hold (I'm waiting to complete it), be reflected in the hold's score.

Micthro seems to be arguing that this is an unfair position to take. That I need to just give the hold one more brain than I otherwise would, and give it a high score which it otherwise deserves. But that means that a hold like Beethro's Teacher or Perfection - which both are extremely challenging *and* properly balanced - ends up looking the same as a hold like Underground Civilisation. That doesn't accurately represent how I feel about these holds, and it therefore shouldn't be how I vote for them.

(and note that I think that Underground civilisation is a very good hold, esp. for a first hold. But it's not one of the top 5 holds and I don't want to rank it as one).

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09-28-2006 at 01:53 PM
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I'd like someone to explain to me what the actual problem is.

If we were getting lots of people registering and skewing the hold ratings, I'd understand. But - we aren't. At the moment holds are getting, on average, the rating the general community seem to think they should get.

So... exactly why are people complaining?

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09-28-2006 at 02:13 PM
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icon Re: Rating difficulty twice (+1)  
Honestly, I don't know what the problem is, since I'm from the contingent that's arguing that there isn't one (or more accurately, I think that the only problem is that there are people who get upset that other people are not voting like them).

But the discussion about rating philosophy is interesting above and beyond the issue of whether there's a real problem with people's rating behavior.

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[Last edited by eytanz at 09-28-2006 02:18 PM]
09-28-2006 at 02:17 PM
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icon Re: Rating difficulty twice (+1)  
krammer wrote:
I'd like someone to explain to me what the actual problem is.

If we were getting lots of people registering and skewing the hold ratings, I'd understand. But - we aren't. At the moment holds are getting, on average, the rating the general community seem to think they should get.

So... exactly why are people complaining?
No-one said there is a problem, but why can't we discuss the issue anyway?

I got involved because I was upset to see that a very promising new architect got some rather discouraging ratings and comments. Not a good idea. Then it inevitably got out of hand, and here we are.

Anyway, as I've repeatedly said, I don't want everyone to rate holds the way I do. I want people to be reasonable. In particular, there should be such a thing as a hold that simply does not deserve a 2. Not only in my opinion, but by comparison with holds that do have very low ratings.

As for rating difficulty twice, well, eytanz and I are never going to agree (about anything, it seems, come to think of it). I see the difficulty rating as a kind of category rating. Ideallly there should be more categories. For a very difficult hold, given the category, the overall rating should not be influenced by the fact that you had to resort to H&S. Rate a difficult hold down if it's difficult because of scripting abuse or something, not ultimately because of the mere fact that it's dificult.
09-28-2006 at 04:59 PM
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icon Re: Rating difficulty twice (+1)  
Eytan --

I think you pretty much summed up my opinion on the matter. Holds can be difficult and good (IMO), like Beethro's Teacher or Perfection. They can be difficult and less good (also IMO), like the War holds. And they can be of inconsistent difficulty, which I think is worse.

A less controversial (or at least less discussed) example: silver's hold 'A Small Diversion'. Great hold with great puzzles, for the most part. However, one of the early rooms is a fairly difficult trapdoor/force arrow puzzle, much more difficult than anything else on that level and in my mind in competition for one of the more difficult rooms in the hold. It just feels out of place where it is. It's not a bottleneck, except in that it makes it harder to go on to the rest of the hold...but I definitely didn't rate the hold as high as I might have because of this room in particular. (Although it still got a high rating from me.)

Don't know if that makes sense or not, but I think it's hard to say that you shouldn't take difficulty into account when rating a hold. For me, at any rate, difficulty and quality are intertwined in a complex relationship.

(I also give high ratings to easy holds, so I'm not a difficulty snob, either.)


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09-28-2006 at 05:04 PM
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icon Re: Rating difficulty twice (+1)  
Right now I simply agree with krammer. As long no one is stuffing the ballot box with bad votes, the ratings simply reflect the opinions of the community. At least those who voted. Hopefully no one is complaining about ratings that doesn't go out there and vote for the holds that they have completed.

Having a bad rating or 2 doesn't disqualify anyone from SS consideration, so long as the average is over 8. So instead of being depressed over one person who didn't like your hold, be happy for the vast majority who did, assuming (again) that they actually voted (hint, hint).

Game on,

"He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder." -- Tad Williams
09-28-2006 at 05:37 PM
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icon Re: Rating difficulty twice (+1)  
There's no guide, written or unwritten, to how to rate holds.

There isn't. You have to dig around to find out that KDD is supposed to be 5 brains.

But the idea that a hold should never be rated low is laughable at best. Nothing is good enough that somebody isn't allowed to think it sucks.

And y'know, if you're making holds that discourage people like that, maybe you deserve a low rating. Maybe that's another argument, though.

The slider doesn't say 'How much work and effort was put into this hold', it's 'how good do you think the hold is overall'.

And if your impression of the hold is 'The guy put a ridiculous cheap-ass tactic within the first three rooms, so I'mma vote a 3', so freaking be it.

(I voted 9, incidentally.)

[Last edited by Banjooie at 09-28-2006 06:06 PM]
09-28-2006 at 06:05 PM
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icon Re: Rating difficulty twice (0)  
This is one of the few times I find myself agreeing with Banjooie! Whole-heartedly in fact! I can't even find anything to add to it!

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09-28-2006 at 06:08 PM
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icon Re: Rating difficulty twice (0)  
And everyone still keeps missing the point that it might be a bad idea to discourage new architects.
09-28-2006 at 06:14 PM
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icon Re: Rating difficulty twice (0)  
And everyone keeps missing the point that one 2 rating didn't stop Rheb from starting a second hold! In fact the horrible ratings Tokyokid kept getting at the begining didn't stop him either!

Call me Citrus.

[Last edited by Ezlo at 09-28-2006 06:16 PM]
09-28-2006 at 06:16 PM
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icon Re: Rating difficulty twice (0)  
I think that this topic would be a good place to continue the discussion on different ways to rate a hold.

Resident Medic/Mycologist
09-28-2006 at 06:24 PM
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Oh, great. Now we have a proof by example. Rheb wasn't put off, so that proves that no-one would be. As it is, Rheb happens to have started his second hold before all this, and apart from that, the point is that he, or another new architect we'll never know about, *could* have been or will still be put off. How much imagination does it take to see that possibility?
09-28-2006 at 06:37 PM
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But does that mean we should stop voicing our honest opinions? Should I give Bad Evil Resturant a 10?

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09-28-2006 at 06:45 PM
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icon Re: Rating difficulty twice (+2)  
michthro wrote:
Oh, great. Now we have a proof by example. Rheb wasn't put off, so that proves that no-one would be. As it is, Rheb happens to have started his second hold before all this, and apart from that, the point is that he, or another new architect we'll never know about, *could* have been or will still be put off. How much imagination does it take to see that possibility?

And now we need to pattern our behavior by hypothetical architects?

Let me be blunt here: if anyone is so insecure in their own work that they will be put off by the fact that instead of getting 100% good scores they get 80% good scores, then they aren't mature enough to be posting their work in public to begin with.

It's not like there's a dearth of people posting new, quality holds. There could - and hopefully will - be many more, but if we lose one or two along the way because they get discouraged by people giving them low grades, then that's a price I'm not only willing, but I'm pretty happy, to pay.

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09-28-2006 at 06:49 PM
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icon Re: Rating difficulty twice (0)  
Hmm... so I guess that the issue we are discussing (and getting quite heated about) here is the correlation of a poor fun rating with your architect rating on the forum.

Or, in other words, the concern here is that an architect with a poor rating for a first hold is going to be put off from building more holds, since he/she may regard the rating as applying not just to that hold, but to all future holds the person may make, and also to the person's ability as an architect.

I agree that it is a valid concern (a rating could possibly also be interpreted as referring to the person's character or respect on the forum, at least as an architect, but that might be pushing it a bit far) but I shouldn't think it to be too common.

It is worth thinking about it though; as michthro says, just because your first hold wasn't bad (or it didn't affect you), doesn't mean it won't affect someone else. I think the most likely problem that could arise is for a person with a poor first hold to gain (or in fact, worry about gaining) a negative reputation that will affect this person's ability to obtain help for future projects, and will also cause the person's future hold ratings to be lower than they might have been if the first hold was rated higher. In short, this means the worry is that the quality of your first hold could bias opinions about your future projects.

I don't actually know how much a poor rating does this to people in general, but I am sure that high ratings do have a similar, opposite effect by giving you a good reputation as an architect. Because of this, it would be worth considering that people with low hold scores, who do look interested in becoming better architects (in the sense that they appear willing to listen to comments and find out what could be improved), should be helped by better architects giving pointers and advice about what to do better next time (thus being implicitly encouraged).

Of course, if a person expects that people find a hold to be good, and people think it isn't, then if such a person wishes not to build any more holds simply because he is being told honestly what he doesn't want to hear, so be it.

Resident Medic/Mycologist

[Last edited by agaricus5 at 09-28-2006 07:06 PM]
09-28-2006 at 07:05 PM
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icon Re: Rating difficulty twice (0)  
Ezlo wrote:
But does that mean we should stop voicing our honest opinions? Should I give Bad Evil Resturant a 10?
Bad Evil Restaurant was my second hold. My first one was quite a bit better received. :P

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09-28-2006 at 07:07 PM
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icon Re: Rating difficulty twice (0)  
agaricus5 wrote:
I think the most likely problem that could arise is for a person with a poor first hold to gain (or in fact, worry about gaining) a negative reputation that will affect this person's ability to obtain help for future projects, and will also cause the person's future hold ratings to be lower than they might have been if the first hold was rated higher. In short, this means the worry is that the quality of your first hold could bias opinions about your future projects.

While this is a valid concern in principle, one of the things I really like about this forum is how happy people are to provide help when it is needed. Taking the Tokyokid situation (which you weren't around for), he released several pretty bad holds, which did give him a bad reputation - and the forum's response was (beyond expressing annoyance), to offer him mentorship and advice and volunteer testing services for his next holds. The result is that the later holds he released are considerably better than the first few. And we are now at the point when if I see a new Tokyokid hold I'm - maybe not quite as thrilled as when I see a new Larry Murk hold - but certainly happy to play it. Which is not what I felt about his holds a few months ago.

So while I can see how the worry of stigma is a genuine one, I think that in the current forum environment it's not a very problematic one.

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[Last edited by eytanz at 09-28-2006 07:39 PM]
09-28-2006 at 07:37 PM
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icon Re: Rating difficulty twice (0)  
eytanz wrote:
agaricus5 wrote:
I think the most likely problem that could arise is for a person with a poor first hold to gain (or in fact, worry about gaining) a negative reputation that will affect this person's ability to obtain help for future projects, and will also cause the person's future hold ratings to be lower than they might have been if the first hold was rated higher. In short, this means the worry is that the quality of your first hold could bias opinions about your future projects.

While this is a valid concern in principle, one of the things I really like about this forum is how happy people are to provide help when it is needed. Taking the Tokyokid situation (which you weren't around for), he released several pretty bad holds, which did give him a bad reputation - and the forum's response was (beyond expressing annoyance), to offer him mentorship and advice and volunteer testing services for his next holds. The result is that the later holds he released are considerably better than the first few.
I also mentioned this too as a solution to the problem, and definitely agree with you:
I don't actually know how much a poor rating does this to people in general, but I am sure that high ratings do have a similar, opposite effect by giving you a good reputation as an architect. Because of this, it would be worth considering that people with low hold scores, who do look interested in becoming better architects (in the sense that they appear willing to listen to comments and find out what could be improved), should be helped by better architects giving pointers and advice about what to do better next time (thus being implicitly encouraged).

Resident Medic/Mycologist
09-28-2006 at 07:41 PM
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Yeah, I was just pointing out that this is current practice in addition to a desirable situation.

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09-28-2006 at 07:53 PM
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icon Re: Rating difficulty twice (+3)  
I have read through this - and the other thread - with great interest, and find much to admire in the fact that this degree of self-scrutiny exists here and is expressed in such an amicable way.

Assessment criteria can be a major headache, particularly in fields of study where an element of subjectivity almost inevitably creeps in to the instruments of assessment (as in my subject). Examination boards work continually to negate the problem as much as is possible, by having frequent examiners/markers meetings and exemplars and validation procedures and appeal procedures. They are costly in terms of time and effort and also finances, but are seen as vital to maintaining the integrity of the process of assessment. They are not full proof - nothing involving humans can be - but are for the most part very effective.

In a forum such as this we will never get to that point, (nor indeed would I suggest that we should). In anycase, it seems to me that there is an honesty, decency and kindness about the membership of this forum which largely makes up for the lack all the devices used by Exam Boards. There is also a broad enough spectrum of intelligent, articulate opinion that no one individual, or clique, can start to have an undue influence.

As regards the rating of Holds by new architects, and the demoralising effect or otherwise of ratings, may I offer the following for your consideration. I have a Hold, my first, in testing at the moment and fairly soon it will be placed in the Holds board and in the fullness of time I expect some players will give it a rating.

Does the rating matter to me? - yes of course it does; would I like it to get at least a 5? - most certainly; will I be chuffed it it gets up towards 7s and 8s ?- absolutley cock-a-hoop!

Now, do I want those ratings to be devalued by knowing that there is a rule - written or otherwise - that says that a first hold cannot be given anything below, let's say a 4, for fear of upsetting new architects and putting them off creating more holds? - absolutely not. Whatever I earn, I want it to be an honest and fair appraisal. A marking scheme which does not allow of 'no points' is a scam of sorts; it deludes the unsuccessful and undermines excellence and both are poisonous effects.

What we need to encourage (and I think this has been discussed elsewhere but, forgive my old memory, I can't give you a link) is for new architects to always use the Architecture board to allow thorough testing of a new hold. I have found the advice and criticisms offered there absolutely invaluable and I cannot commend it enough to other newbies. I would actually be in favour of a mechanism which prevents Holds from new, or relatively new, Architects from being placed in the Holds board before they have undergone rigorous testing in Architecture. Direct placing on to the Holds Board should be a privilage granted to those who have passed apprenticeship and journeyman stages in the development of their skills.

I cannot stress how much more important it is to have the kindly advice of wiser, more experienced heads when one is new to this process. An example if I may - I entered a mini-level for the Labyrinth contest, my first attempt at using Build Levels. Two people rated my level '10', which gave me a really nice warm glow and a wee smile to myself - lovely! One person though rated it '1', but I have no idea why. There was no explanation of why that person thought so badly of it; no indication of what faults he considered merited such a slamming; no hints as to what to do to improve any future holds I might build and that's what a new architect needs.

So by all means, hand out 1s and 2s if that is your honest opinion, but please back it up with explanation and advice to a newbie who may be struggling, as I was, with a completely new use of a what is still a relatively alien technology. (Some of us are old enough to remember the original adding machines with the wind around handle at the side and marvelling at such advanced gadgets!!)


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09-28-2006 at 09:20 PM
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icon Re: Rating difficulty twice (0)  
michthro wrote:
And everyone still keeps missing the point that it might be a bad idea to discourage new architects.
I wholeheartedly agree that it is in poor taste to rate a hold badly simply because it is someone's first hold. But I also feel that it is a bad idea to rate a hold highly simply because it is someone's first hold. I think a hold should be rated on its merits, that's all. If it was very clear that someone voted a hold down just because they didn't like the person or something else unrelated to the hold (like if they posted about it later), then we might rescind the vote and warn the voter, and take further action if they continued. But if it's just one bad vote, then considering the number of active members that we have, the total number of votes should really overshadow one or two bad scores.

On a related note, isn't it sad that the non-Caravel hold with the highest number of downloads (3745 at this time), HIJK, has only 22 votes? The final level at least has been explored by 60 people, and that's just those with CaravelNet. We really should have way more votes on this and other holds, especially ones that have been around for a long time. Perhaps we should be able to see a distribution of votes like for polls? I see that we already have a standard deviation (the sigma under the rating) which is useful...unless that is something that Schik is testing and it isn't public yet and I blew his cover...

Game on,

"He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder." -- Tad Williams
09-28-2006 at 10:40 PM
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icon Re: Rating difficulty twice (+1)  
Oneiromancer wrote:
On a related note, isn't it sad that the non-Caravel hold with the highest number of downloads (3745 at this time), HIJK, has only 22 votes? The final level at least has been explored by 60 people, and that's just those with CaravelNet. We really should have way more votes on this and other holds, especially ones that have been around for a long time.
How about adding a voting booth obstacle to TCB that can be placed in front of the final stairs of a hold that'll bring up the in-game voting dialog? :lol

np: Radiohead - Go Slowly (Live at Bayside Embarcadero, San Diego CA (27.06.2006))

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09-28-2006 at 10:49 PM
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icon Re: Rating difficulty twice (0)  
Oneiromancer wrote:
I wholeheartedly agree that it is in poor taste to rate a hold badly simply because it is someone's first hold. But I also feel that it is a bad idea to rate a hold highly simply because it is someone's first hold. I think a hold should be rated on its merits, that's all.
That is all I've been saying, believe it or not.
If it was very clear that someone voted a hold down just because they didn't like the person or something else unrelated to the hold...
Ok, tell me, do you also believe that it's coincidence that someone lowered their vote after Blondbeard's post? Was Blondbeard's post Rheb's "fault"? I mention this because it's part of what made me feel that Rheb wasn't being treated fairly. It really is highly unlikely that it was coincidence.
On a related note, isn't it sad that the non-Caravel hold with the highest number of downloads (3745 at this time), HIJK, has only 22 votes? The final level at least has been explored by 60 people, and that's just those with CaravelNet.
Well, there's actually a good example of why it matters when a hold was published, and why I don't like rating old holds. Compilations have always been cheap, but with the high score system, they're really annoying. I'd rate it 1 if I were to rate it now, since that's what I think of compilations now, but it would be an unfair reflection on the author, and my point of view is that authors should be considered when rating, not only the poor players who might waste five minutes discovering that the hold the author spent months on isn't for them.
09-28-2006 at 10:58 PM
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icon Re: Rating difficulty twice (0)  
michthro wrote:
Ok, tell me, do you also believe that it's coincidence that someone lowered their vote after Blondbeard's post? Was Blondbeard's post Rheb's "fault"? I mention this because it's part of what made me feel that Rheb wasn't being treated fairly. It really is highly unlikely that it was coincidence.

Me too. And just let me say that, all out other differences aside, I agre with michthro 100% that giving a bad rating to Rheb as a response to Blondbeard's post is totally deplorable.

But that has nothing to do with the low score that prompted Blondbeard's post, which is the one I've been defending for the past two days. The other one - unless truly coincidental - is not legitimate by any means.

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09-28-2006 at 11:02 PM
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icon Re: Rating difficulty twice (0)  
Oneiromancer wrote:
On a related note, isn't it sad that the non-Caravel hold with the highest number of downloads (3745 at this time), HIJK, has only 22 votes? The final level at least has been explored by 60 people, and that's just those with CaravelNet.
It's also interesting that although it is more than 1 year younger than Claythro Tower, it has been downloaded more than 1000 times more. Also, I cannot seem to find a hold that has been rated more than Bavato's Dungeon (45 times), which is a bit odd, considering difficulty issues, hold length, time since the release and download numbers.

Edit: Actually, there is an exception - Bad Evil Restaurant has 51 votes (but I guess the reason is obvious), and it probably doesn't count as a proper hold in the normal meaning of the word.

Resident Medic/Mycologist

[Last edited by agaricus5 at 09-28-2006 11:26 PM]
09-28-2006 at 11:22 PM
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icon Re: Rating difficulty twice (0)  
eytanz wrote:
michthro wrote:
Ok, tell me, do you also believe that it's coincidence that someone lowered their vote after Blondbeard's post? Was Blondbeard's post Rheb's "fault"? I mention this because it's part of what made me feel that Rheb wasn't being treated fairly. It really is highly unlikely that it was coincidence.

Me too. And just let me say that, all out other differences aside, I agre with michthro 100% that giving a bad rating to Rheb as a response to Blondbeard's post is totally deplorable.

But that has nothing to do with the low score that prompted Blondbeard's post, which is the one I've been defending for the past two days. The other one - unless truly coincidental - is not legitimate by any means.
I actually was not aware of a low score in response to Blondbeard's post...I didn't read the entire thread for that hold. I was just assuming the second point that Eytan made, so my comments were mainly a priori and not a posteriori.

Anyway, I'm happy to agree with you, michthro, but it really seemed to me like you were saying that a hold by a new author should be rated higher than normal simply because the person was new in order to prevent them from becoming discouraged. I apologize for my misunderstanding.

Game on,

"He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder." -- Tad Williams
09-29-2006 at 12:25 AM
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icon Re: Rating difficulty twice (0)  
If I again may enter the 4th discussion about architechs I Have entered my 2c into, I will try an make my idea's short and sweet(for the first bit).

1. Make better marking guildlines
I have asked for this before, but not so directly. The current guidelines are ineffective and confusing.

2. Please, as some of you have said, If you wish to encourage people, PLEASE MAKE A REPLY IN THE HOLD TOPIC. The rating system is ment for people to find new holds of their liking, not to encourage people for christs sake.(extended further down)

3. Force all new holds to add tags to their holds, thus making it easier to find medium difficulty horde management puzzles, or orb timing puzzles.
Then allow people to add their own tags to the hold

4.Eyetanz, your suggestion seems to be to have a marking sheet for each hold, which I think is overkill.

Something I have always struggled with is the rating system. I often try to search and mark via the recommendations, but the fact that no one else does makes things a little difficult, and makes me give up searching for fun holds to play, and rather just rely on the SmS, as I am assured quality with them.(and haven't been dissapointed yet). Please rate holds on how you like then rather than what you think the Architechs deserve, even if the hold is 3 years old, as I found a real dud of a hold the other day, The ratings were good, and the difficulty about what I was looking for, but it seriously sucked, mainly because it was released a long time ago. I don't care if the hold is old, I don't care if the hold is really old, it was the architech's first try and he spent alot of time on it. MARK IT HOW YOU FEEL TODAY, DAMMIT!

More civily, may I point out that this 'I can't rate old holds because it was designed under different circumstances and times' and "the rating system if for encourageing the authur'is just doing a disservce to people like me, who are being constantly being put off(in fact, I am considering just relying on the SmS holds, and avoiding unoffical holds altogeather.)

I also agree with Banjooie and Elfstone
09-29-2006 at 03:02 AM
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icon Re: Rating difficulty twice (+1)  
NiroZ wrote:
4.Eyetanz, your suggestion seems to be to have a marking sheet for each hold, which I think is overkill.

I don't particularly care if you can spell my name, but I do wish you wouldn't attribute other people's ideas to me.

I got my avatar back! Yay!
09-29-2006 at 03:21 AM
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icon Re: Rating difficulty twice (0)  
eytanz wrote:
NiroZ wrote:
4.Eyetanz, your suggestion seems to be to have a marking sheet for each hold, which I think is overkill.

I don't particularly care if you can spell my name, but I do wish you wouldn't attribute other people's ideas to me.

Sorry, but what? Thats the impression the first topic in this gave me. yes, its a bit of an exaggeration, but how in the heck am I attributing other peoples ideas to you?
I do apologise about the mispelling though.

(grumpyness disclaimer)
09-29-2006 at 04:05 AM
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icon Re: Rating difficulty twice (0)  
Well, since I wasn't actually making any suggestions in the first post (or in any other of my posts in this thread), I can't figure out which suggestion you were referring to. I was assuming, then, that you're talking of something else.

I got my avatar back! Yay!
09-29-2006 at 04:20 AM
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