michthro wrote:
All that's required is that users be prevented from uploading holds directly to CaravelNet.
Not to ignore the rest of your post, but I wonder if there is a bit of confusion here. The Holds board has been around for what, 2.5 years now? CaravelNet is barely a year old. No one pays a subscription fee in order to access all the holds on the website--they pay the fee to access them from in-game as well as the SS holds. Caravel is much more concerned about the quality of the SS holds than of those made by users (and rightly so, in my opinion). I have played many games now where there are user-made levels, and I can't think of any one that prevents people from contributing unbeatable or crappy holds. That is all taken care of by the community voting system--generally they would only be removed if they were offensive in some manner. (I'm thinking N and Ricochet as prime examples, but there have been others in the past like Lode Runner and some of the Boulderdash clones.)
Now, granted, we are unique in that we have the high score system. However, if a hold is unbeatable, everyone still has equal access up to the point where it is unbeatable, so while it is not an ideal situation, it doesn't affect what I think of as the benefits of a CaravelNet subscription. Look, we also thought a lot about anonymous users submitting holds. We finally decided that we didn't want to discourage people that didn't want to sign up for a forum from contributing a hold. So we have to make the decision whether we should be more open and friendly or more closed and exclusionary. One of the games I mentioned above, Ricochet, doesn't let you make levels without having bought the full version. DROD isn't like that...anyone can use the editor for free. It follows, then, that anyone should be able to upload their holds for free. Should we have separate sections for CaravelNet approved holds and generic holds? Would that be a good solution, and eventually holds can "
into the CNet section once they get a high enough score or are proven to be solveable? It sounds like a good idea on paper, but are we sure that we can draw the line to everyone's satisfaction?
I'm sorry that you don't like my attitude, but you should realize that I don't speak for Caravel Games in any capacity. I just happen to be a DROD fan that got lucky enough to work on the dev team and get some responsibility around here...which has become less and less as I have moved on with my life by graduating grad school and getting a real job. 2 years ago I would have jumped at the chance to inspect every hold before it went on the Holds board. I can't do that anymore. I still moderate the boards, deleting duplicate posts and modifying profanity, moving things around, and taking care of other things behind the scenes, but that's about it. So yeah, if someone else really wants to do what you are suggesting, we can look into adding a new member in a new role, but I was mostly saying that the
current admins don't really have the time to police holds like that suggestion.
Game on,
He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an
unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder."
-- Tad Williams
[Last edited by Oneiromancer at 05-08-2006 09:29 PM]