Level: Smiter
Rank Points: 468
Registered: 04-15-2006
IP: Logged
File: rainbow bolts.zip (12.8 KB) Downloaded 95 times. License: Public Domain
Re: Lightning Bolts (+1)
Hi everyone, umm, instead of just sticking with yellow bolts, i have made a new set of bolts. There are many different colors. For example, brick red, blue, cyan, red, forest green, etc. I call them rainbow bolts! This is not all colors in one bolt, it is just a folder with many different bolts in it. And im still looking for the original JtRH bolts, i erased mine.
"The leaf, still green, must someday fall.
Such grief, such joy, to live at all."
- T.A. Barron, The Lost Years of Merlin
[Last edited by UrAvgAzn at 05-01-2006 12:01 AM : attached wrong folder]