Changes from the commit message:
- Demos no longer end when pressing almost any key or pressing mouse, the latter allowing to right click squares to inspect them or check room interactions
- Use numbers 0-9 to navigate to demo's fractional time
- Demos no longer end automatically
- Scroll text shows information about current demo turn and if it has ended
- Dying effect is disabled during demo playback and you can now navigate back from it
- Restart command can be used to move the demo back to the 0th turn
- Actions: next, prev, speed up, speed down, toggle uniform speed, toggle turn count, toggle puzzle mode - take their value from keymap now
- The longer forward/backwards key is held down the faster demo is skipped through
- Pressing enter during demo playback will open a dialog that allows entering the number of the move to go to
- Dedicated help prompt for Demo playback
Now what to pay attention to when testing:
1. Everything.
2. Victory demos.
3. Challenge demos.
4. Demos that start in the middle of the room.
5. Demos that resulted in death.
6. Demos that did not result in death but now result in death because room has changed.
7. Ditto + started in the middle of the room.
8. Multi-room demos.
9. Demos that end by leaving to a different room which is a secret room, or conquering the current room caused the level to be cleared
10. Everything.
@Rabscuttle - Not changed. I decided to ignore the rest of your request because the scope was already fairly large and the suggestions were fairly difficult to implement, but maybe all/some of them will be included in the future.
My website
[Last edited by skell at 11-18-2020 01:24 PM]